TMS 2779: Beige on Air Light Icon: Link


Description: Unexpected Horseradishing. Oh No! Where Did I Park My Phone?! Dropping Bombs Like a TIE Fighter. Craftsman Wounds vs Dumbass Wounds. Mom's Sewing Scissors Are Sacred. Cockpit toobs. What are you a HOBO? Bean juice in my cuts. A Broken President is Right Twice a Term. Frogpants Transparency Office. Badass vs Stupid. They only knew the doot doot. Nickel For Your Thoughts. Migration, All I've Ever Wanted with Tom. The Spag does not want to Go Low with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2778: Great Gum Pockets! Icon: Link


Description: AutoKarenPhobia. Missi-friggin-sippi. Can you check my pockets? Scoot McAffleck. The Shampoo Debate. Dip your Poodle. Puzzle Pint Go Bag. Born with Flouride Suckers in Their Mouths. I just doxxed Lyfteeeeees. Brian of the Nice Face. Unexpected Olive Oil. Show Me the Moneys. Get for content pissed. So, you've got this zombie tooth. What the Fuqua with TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2777: By Morons, for Morons Icon: Link


Description: I curse you! Decapacitated. March of the Pangolin. The Tijuana Chess Set is a Bad Move. The Curse of Stonehenge. The Moon Does Want it Wants. I can totally see why Chuck Likes it. Alexander Popped Off. I Backed The Wrong Russian. Cold Hands McGee was Correct. The Pickle Hustle. Awesome sauce Kim. Elbow to Mouth Avoidance. Getting your Colonoscopies in sync. No Dice, ICE! w Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2776: Frozen Freak Icon: Link


Description: Hot Water Maker. Suddenly a Deep Impact. Dirty Harry Dancing. Dogs You Can Hug. Refrigerator with Wheels. He Could Bearly Fit. Hooker bath. Wainting Your huatanejo. This, That and The Other St. Human applause machine. Let's Test The Shows Heaters. Basements Are Cool. Literally. Sorry, your femur is ruined. What Happened to the Firey Italian? Soggy Johnson Knees with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2775: Tankless Job Icon: Link


Description: Brian's deep pockets. Jam Cake into Your Scraped Roots. Bellagio fountain cough. Dorkus Malorkus on the Drums. Six finger evidence. Measure your head before you make it. And LuckyPhil was never seen again. What kind of a Sonic Deal. Girl Milk Cake. Poor Use of Harrison. FF4: Fantastic Fantasy 4. Old Man Malkovich. She got me in the right place. Teasing the Spoilers with Tom. Just the Recommentals Tips with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2774: Moist Sockets Icon: Link


Description: Dental Gummies. Ubyfting. She hit me in the face, and all was fine. Why giraffe porn? Concussia Bonita. Written by PUT_AUTHOR_HERE. An affair with a donut. Babies in Cars Getting Donuts. No Sperm And Egg Meeting Today. Fell off the face of the ERF! I am now Frogpants Showbot the White. Peachtree Corner Circle. Be careful when you're tall. Many Dothans Died to Get Us These Donuts. Sexy Business in Hell with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2773: Start With The Crust Icon: Link


Description: With Pizza And Love. Pho-Net-Ick-A-Lee. Testicular Luminescence. Four and a Half Broken Noses. Scott can't worship the porcelain king. Tolbert Calhoun mixer. Delayed Pinchy Zoomy. Stretch Armstrong is Lethal. Whole ass Dunaway. Brian and the Micronauts. She was basically wearing porn. I don't like TMZEEEEEEEEEE. Finding Pockets of Alright. Rat full of dye. Bobby Swinging In On His Big Science Pole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2772: Flaccid Water Icon: Link


Description: Inappropriate Tail Thoughts. Curved and Floppy. What's His Name with the Sister? Old stuff just feels good. Drop the Hard and stay with the Wolf. Don't piss on the floor ya hoser! CONTROL-ALT-DELETE Hair Salon. Jake John Bovi. Drink a hot beverage out of a hockey player?! Tortilla blanketing all of you! Greep Altitude. It's Your Turn, Heartburn! Dreamy Rat boys! Sink cereal. Eating Cereal like a monster with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2771: Sweats on a Plane Icon: Link


Description: Emergency Cracker. My pickle was too small. This soda tastes like purple. Spousal Revenge Tour. Murdering the mailman for a cupcake. Tolbert talk fast! Backdoor Mailman. They call ME MISTER PIG! I don't like Harvey Weinsteeeeeeeeeeeen. Holey Resin, Batman!! I'm tired of these MFing Sweats on this MFing plane! Bold Peanuts. Root Beer's ugly cousin. Deepseek Diving With Tom. 50% Recommentals and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2770: Two Big Fat Burritos Icon: Link


Description: Distinguished Toast. Reserve Poop. Is it too early for a 650 lb fish sandwich. I don't like Bukeeeeeees (lawsuit). Believe it or not, I'm healing your dog! Damn Dirty Aped it Up. Eat The Flowers Brian! He did WHAT to the shark?! Gonna Need A Bigger Broom. Fees for Food Delivery. Expensive! Not Having to Go Pick Food up. Priceless! CARRLLLLLL??? Taxes on hot brown drinks always go well. Giving the meat away. Comparing Beavers. TESTED TEAMS with Bill The Maker Duran and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2769: Finish Lady! Icon: Link


Description: German comin' outta the garage. Stick a dirty hot dog in it. Jesus Monkeypants. I'm The Blue Dot in the Center. Lyft and Uber - Luber. Contagious urination. Cookie Dough Snow. Dial up lag with Randy. Stress to Worse. Uber vehicle is black, it's supposed to be black. It's Uber EATS, not Uber DRINKS! Pro tip: Never change your password. Starlings aren't real. We got a big old continent here. Weakening your soul with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2768: Counting Corvids Icon: Link


Description: Moist Vales. Collad? That's a Typo. Muppet Julia Child. Sometimes a carrot is just a cigar. Orange Squat Goblin. Is It Too Early for an Oscar Nomination Fish Sandwich? Counting and Eating Crow. I Don't Like The Chieeeeeeefs. Thwell. 4 Years, One Moment at a Time. The Dana Carvey Method. Freaming on Paramount Positive. My EV sounds like a TIE Fighter. I can see calling that a wedge. Tubular Bells is a big thing in Trinidad and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2767: Earigation Icon: Link


Description: Liberace Dice Clay. Boris Smellgood. If I had a bigger wiener. Tell Me Why-EEE! Scrawnching Celery. I'm Here For The Slippers. It's an old nose now. That's not a skull, that's poop. I Don't Like Vomiting Seeeeeeeeeeds. What's with these dogs today? Organic Bears. Boy Band Appreciation Day with Dunaway. Hey Wizard - I wanna be waterproof. Signed, The Wicked Witch Of The West. Never Clone Alone with Tom. Watching you watch what you're watching with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2766: New Jersey Michael's Icon: Link


Description: Build a Bear and the Temple of Doom. A Shelf Where Less Things Happen. Turns out it was his friend in the chipper. Suck My Soup. Wallow-Free Content. Fisting The Bear. Scott's Sad Skull. Skewompus. The Testicle Fell Off. A Dead Body, Not a Rancid Cheeto. Boba fett? Give it to me Michael's Preference. Ayahuasca is my middle name. The thickest of liquids. Communicable Board Games with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2765: Bad Pitt Icon: Link


Description: Misty liquid. Oops I Leaked It Again! Schrodinger's Rabbit. Eminem's Mom's Spaghetti. Hallmark Parking Space. All the right clicking. The Johnsons are Streakers. Just a Couple of Blokes. The birdiest bird. We didn't kill Eddie Rabbit. Ol' stretchy face from Brazil. ALF Apologists. Lot of letters after your name. Like a Hooters' waitress. Original Knees With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2764: Big Zoltar Energy Icon: Link


Description: Butt or Beer. Camera in the Rear. Sticking with chicks and dames. Slippery little Jimmy. The Return of Offensive Word of the Day. Dirty Carpet and Bad Bathrooms. Is it too early to get a Wedge Sandwich? Gum Pockets. The Clock is Tik Tok Ticking with Tom. Rekilling Robert Loggia. Is it trash or a murder weapon? It gimbles you. Ooter Fell in the Chockit River. Stop going to those two places. The Men Dollar Effect with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2763: Mochi Holes Icon: Link


Description: Your Vegas is Showing. Sausage Talk. A me AND a knee problem. I Don't Like Burpeeeeeees! Suitcase lady. I have the loneliness gene. Spared no boob expense. Popcorn Shrimp Without the Popcorn. Las Vegas, Those Aren't Real. Dominant in the word cloud. Very Distinguishable. Goonbots. Crotonana- De Vil. Baby shrimps doo doo doo doo do doo. In the fridge with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2762: Nacho Fingers Icon: Link


Description: Temu Alps. Then you shall have no laughter, no smile and no LT YAR. Patrick Warburton's Reading Rainbow. No Show Monday with Peace and Love. Faux Hawk Couple. Soft On Ice Cream Hard On Pizza. Gonorrhea Training. What doeas ALF stand for cuz I like really wanted to know? I don't like Franchiseeeeeeees. From Yoda's Heart I Stab at Thee. Sega Genesis Comedy Couple. Clare and a study group. Dunaway's bush points. You Can't Hide Your Briani. LEGO Apologist, Stephen Shleiker and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2761: Treason Sausages Icon: Link


Description: Twenty twenty fourive. Medicinal Oregano In My Bag. Scrubbing your goodies. Zoe Sal-DON-yah. Very Dude-y, very Soapy, very demure. Tubular Meat. Zuckerbabies. Kim Jong Un In The Mail. Just lie to me. I don't hate the dead. You get NO hot dogs, NO pornography, and NO Leiutenant Yar!! Body Goo on a Crown. Love finds a back door. Go Pee On Your Paid-For Lady! Big Hairy Con with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2760: Both Hoity And Toity Icon: Link


Description: Synchronized Colonoscopies. Sombrero. Lube-place. You Got Betty Simonize. Big T Dot Com. Lead Stringlights. Why are your hands so human? The Swedish chef is very handsy. Why can't I Find My Thing? Simon-Eyes They're Watching You! Is that bacon I smell? Meeker Than Beaker. Dancing Lamps and Robots with Tom. Returning a Favor with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2759: Guacodile Icon: Link


Description: Pull yourself up by your butt strep. Butt Whooping Cough. Shnerkel Shnerkel Duffel Bag. Gonorrhoea Yet? When there are no Weirdos at the Gym. YOU ARE THE WEIRDO. Actually I Like Buc-eeeeeeeeeeeees. Snow Tedious. Don't go chasing waterfalls, or Bigfoots. Competitive Goat. Oh The Huge Manatees. Backpack full of goo. Cat sized dogs. Liquid Guano. Thickly British. There's Pottery in Denver, Too, with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2758: Twizzler Intubation Icon: Link


Description: Don't come at us with your chicken buildings. By Blueberry Standards. Whistling Archery. Jersey Mike: Sandwich Assassin. 20 Years Not Driving the Porcelain Bus. Send that to the Southern office. Brekkie tacos. I feel like crap, this will make good content. Hello. I'm Mr. Typecast. The day that will live in stupidity. Subconsciously Streaking! GOONIES . . . IN . . . SPACE. Iraqi oil vat of popcorn. Taint West Virginia. Throbby Strange Light with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2757: Moist Fitness Icon: Link


Description: Wickless Wonder. Traffic Avalanche. Stair Condom. Like a Thousand Dead Fish. The Jordache Maneuver. Fig Newton of the morning. Moist Hoist. Take Take was Taken. I Don't Like Passenger Spider-Monkeeeeeeeys. Monk 'Til Midnight. I don't want to eat my car! Chickens are too Stupid to Get it. The No Food Restaurant. Oh by the way, Monk. Starting the new year with miscommunication, with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2756: Resting Stern Face Icon: Link


Description: Maximize my Craps. Laser tagging in the basement. Aiming for german sounding things. Emotional support tablet. Cutthroat Left, Right, and Center. The Playdate Sacrifice. Doin' a thing with Dunaway. Weiner Weiner Oscar Meyer. Beethoven's Hyundai Sonata. I'm looking at you, FiveOf13! Tapping on the Nub. Unbelievable Meat Guy. Enjoy it OR ELSE! Addle up those point. Did we lose you?... Oh, you're back... Wait, are you back?... Did we lose you?... with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2755: Mariguano Icon: Link


Description: Ctrl Alt Del Taco. Clark Kettle. It's the Coke End. Get these mother effing hamsters off this mother effing plane! Holy Dank Weed, Batman! Jost Kidding. Fully-Forged Adults. Krypto the Super Doge. Look at me! I'm the baking Lord! Hail Hydrox! Ron Dickles. Satanic Disney Panic. The only band I know from the land down under is INXS. No EL, NO EL, and NO LT. YAR! Grandparents punching Millennials and Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2754: Full-Sized Dentist Icon: Link


Description: That Guy on Temu Lied. I Don't Like AARPeeeeeeeeee. A Jug of The Ocean. Clare is stiff and working. Hardcore carded. Flaccid bacon. Pre-chewed senior meal. Interpreting the Ali Baba language. Going Full George's Parents. Important Butthole Speech. Fart joke Billie. Victim of the old bait and switch. Amberdick is the color of your energy. TikTok Til It Stops... With Tom. Intelligent cussing with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2753: The Scott Crown Affair Icon: Link


Description: You get NO root canal, NO implant, and NO Lieutenant Yar!! Scott Can't Handle The Tooth. Car Dealership With Drive-Thru Window. No-one Expects the Colorado Tornado. Breaking 2: Fire Boogaloo. Can you smell what my brake-pads are cooking. East Bound and SLOW DOWN. Bri Humbug! Takin' the poutine. Pay Up and Get the Cooler Thing. I give your temper tantrum 8 out of 10 big sweaters. Yahtzee or nazi. Little of the 'ol hug n tug. Too Pretty for Stitches. Being Transparent with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2752: Maple's Big Jugs Icon: Link


Description: There are Lies, Damned Lies and TMS. Rocky Road Candy on LSD. Loaf of diabeetus. Thicker is Better. Cereal and Pee with Dunaway. CAN deed FRUIT. Time Is Effed. Kim is More Than a Good Neighbor! Aunt Beru's Genuine Maple Syrup. Dallas Armpit and Butthole Airport. Who Got The Dogs Back. Thicker Just Feels Better In The Hands! 1:1 Is Square. Can a monkey have a tattoo? Cause I like really wanted to know. Are you having a wonderful holiday time spirit time? with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2751: AT&T Walker Icon: Link


Description: Internal Poopage. Ask Your Doctor if Frogpants is Right For You. Podcasters do it in padded rooms. What Do You Have That Shrinks? Raw Ass Man Hand. Planes Trains and Autoerotica. A Proper Hoo Ha. Bacon Fat Etiquette. The Denim Years. They're both Naked because Betty White. Horny onesie. Chlorinated and Urinated. I'll leave the Lucas to you. I'm looking at the guy catching the frisbee. Americas Next Dahli Lama with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2750: Are Pancakes Bread? Icon: Link


Description: You can't re-kill Betty White. Quadrapussy. Casino Royale with Cheese. The Kids With Their Skibiti Bullshit. Captain Mortality. Healthy mix of the rich and ignorant. Brussel Sprouts from Monkeys. Entirely Entitled to Your Wrong Opinion. Alien Corn CHOOOTS! Get a little tail in the back. Disney Movie about the Frog. The name's Bond, Missing Bond. Pigeon Pit. Violently agreeing with Tom. Defining bread with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2749: Vocal Deep Fry Icon: Link


Description: Rub it by Proxy. Laser Shits on the Plane. The weird end of the stick. (s) Oops, it hit me again. Going Home With Polio. Kia Dark Soul. Ok, now make a Moe joke. Old Man Ibbottâs Hard Candy. Brian's Nice Rack... of comics. Non fungible banana. Stephanie likes it! Glad it's the small can. Greedflation. Livin' Large Off Pasta Money. That New game Smell with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2748: Don't Fold Your Ear Icon: Link


Description: This punch is chewy. Fancy Vinyl. Revenge is a dish best served over several sequels. Alottsatimes with Dunaway. Tiny hundred year old babies. Little Johnny Smartsuit. Bruh or Bra? I don't like chick peeeeeeas. Definitely Moron. Basically a bean. The Larry P Meniscus Effect. I was a Scientist once, until I took a Cherrio in the meniscus. What can Brown do for you? Cool it, mouth!! Fueled by Vodka with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2747: Suddenly Robocop Icon: Link


Description: Dune: Slow Methodic Brainfart. Back to the Marvel Future. Cheerios Phenomenon. Vodka Holes. The Avengers and Robocop Save the Clocktower. Boston Creme Kryptonite. Does the Valance Match the Curtains? The Personal Massagers were the Friends we found along the way. Yummy Tucci. Ample reservoir. Red Fraggle Prophecy. Hydralisk pasta. Hostess Donut Crack. Boston cream on a stick. Am I super poor and stupid and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2746: A little Weezery Icon: Link


Description: I Don't Like Smelling Kimchiiiiiiii. Welcome to Jupiter, would you like a slurpee? Stay in your circle Booby Nun. Lake Inferior. Edging the board with Dunaway. You had me at Buttered Bread. Costco Throngs. Increased Sensitivity but not in a Sexual Way. Jaw Stew. Roger with increased Frequency. Pokey End, Roundy End. President Dunzo. Father Mayham. Because Your Tech Tips Are On My Lips with Tom. Bang Bang Bang Bang Recommentals Bang Bang with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2745: The Rowing Stoines Icon: Link


Description: Putting the Stress in Seamstress. Yacht Rock Doc. Drinkable Mayo. Ass-tone phone. Little Bit of the Ol' Nipple. Peeing in the King's Kimchi. You Dumb Old Idiom. Killer Hamster Drove Away in a Kia Soul. Vin Di Bona. Poking the Cancerous Wax Ring. Botulism in a bag. Well you can EAT Boba! Grumpy Mike's. Hwak Tua Hamster. Bluey Gets a Meat Pie with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2744: Bullet Intolerant Icon: Link


Description: Hash Tag Sleigh. Just give me a minute to be bitter! Leave the frog, take the cannoli. Do turkeys lay eggs because I like really wanted to know? We need some good Christmas Cheese. Phoney Saxophones. 600 Years of Finger Crud. Bibles and Walkie Talkies. That's Horrible. Can I See It Again. Half pepperoni half frog please. Nano pasta. There's always room for LEGO. Lincoln's Top Hat or Some Shit. Feet photo funded collection. Pancrepe. Sharks Don't Kill You. Coconuts Do. Beware the Danger Closet with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2743: Goat Goat Car Icon: Link


Description: Flowers for Algebra. Make Turkey Gravy Again. Charcuterie Charade. Save Me the Turkey Butthole! Dillweed and Dunaway. Buzzing In My Special Place. Paradoxing Pinocchio. My Nose Grows Now. Leading you down the Nyquil path. The turkey IS the mascot. Rated R for Rural. Yellow Hat Cheaters. V is for Veronica... and Vendetta. Tech Time Without Tom. Easy mode Thanksgiving with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2742: Show and Yell Icon: Link


Description: Barehand Turkey Ripper. You Want Disgusting? Here, Hold My Pizza Wine. Stuck Between Thomas And Nancy. Musty Ibbott. There Were TWO CHUCKS. You Lost Me At Toasted Oak. Totally gassed on the treads. Cork dork. It's All Dirt To Me, Dammit! No Longer Orange Theory, It's Law. Forget Coverville, Welcome to Funkytown. TMS: Generally Wholesome. Rubbing the EMU in. Never a beer has passed my face. Oliver the Frenchman with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2741: Junk Jigglers Icon: Link


Description: Ariana Nacho Grande. Throw another emu on the barbie. Topless pen yelling. Wicked, the mini series. Nickleodeon acting. Whatever Throats Your Coat. Be prepared for Baboons! Blurred lines of dog sitting. Without the cameras it's just peeing. Defying NDA. The Cylons are Thirsty. Gallon O'Sauce. Man of Pause. OnlyCrosswordFans. Making Bobby blush and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2740: Bananamaniacs Icon: Link


Description: International Banana. Attack of the Killer Coconuts. Little shark nibbles with Brian Dunaway. Claim your turkey. Meat Related Meal. Kim makes military grade eggs. I can haz Mu Deng. Hooch Policies. Trans Siberian Sabotage. Weird Ass Gizzards. Generic Old Men. Snatched from the jaws of Mulva. Rundle NOT Grundle. Shielding the Cable with Tom. Not a Chore with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2739: Pocket Lindt Icon: Link


Description: Santa's Evil Brother. Watch Eventually List. Austin Butler City Limits. Pirate O's. Know Your Cassowary. Roll Out Magnatron! Nerd Porn. Low key tangent. it sounds MOIST. Eyepatch Marshmallows. Awkward and lame, but great. The 7 Day Death Rule. riding a rocket and slinging cereal. The Gossip Girl Diaries. Fun Kind Of Chaos With Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2738: Atlantis Morrisette Icon: Link


Description: Cheese and Octopus Feet. Get Out of My Dreams. And Puke in my Car. Urine, for a great meal! Licking the Floor of the Ball Pit. Is it too early for an octopus sandwich? Chicken Masada War. 76 Trombones and Shark Attacks. Ohio Stargate is not Open. Hot Liquid Dirt. Scott is Losing his Threads. I don't like food covered in Peeeeeeeee!! Squirt the Ketchup Into the Thing. Rubber Ducky Farts. Accidentally doing porn. Paragons of Heroism with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2737: Farting on Cables Icon: Link


Description: Guardians of the Galaga. Too Much Radioation! Ask Your Doctor if Band Meeting is right for you. Frigga - I hardly Know Her. Are Frogs Gay Cos I like Really Wanted To Know. TMS Maddening To Do. Maddening to Listen to. Lee Ermey Style. Cuckoo for Clocks. When the Big Fat Bugs DIE. Everything is Cancer. I'm Taking Your Ship, I'm Taking Your Ship, Nah Nah Nah. We know you're listening because you listen. Trading Apples for Cigarettes. OnionWars. Self words with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2736: A Whole Different Pig Icon: Link


Description: How Do Camels Work, Because I REALLY Want To Know! One does not simply walk into Nerdtacular. I don't like checking my A1-Ceeeeeeeeeeee!! Jude Law Law Land. Show Up Till You Blow Up with Dunaway. A Nice, Cold Shire. A Coruscant of Disapproval. Don't Run for the Border with Tom. The Alphabetical Checkup. My Breast Friend. I Want My Frogpants Stanley-Like Cup. Three-fourths of the last three month's of fourth callers. Primark, Transform and Roll Out! Love the Sandwich, Fear the Meat. The Moose's Mouth is Full with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2735: Sir, That's A Duck Icon: Link


Description: Flamboyant Barista. Ancient Make-out Grounds. Isn't there a Duck called Penguin something. GoFundMe a Louisiana purchase. Hackberry Hill. Exorcising Horny Demons. TMSing Lovitz. Sexy Plexing. Bear Asprin. Kicking Scott's Ass In A Dark Alleyway. Top. Shelf. Andy Dick Fight. Beer in the morning, Beer at night! Beans, Beans, Beans, Beans, Beans, Beans. Short and Truncated with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2734: B Tier Vices Icon: Link


Description: Bad tasting font. A horizontal guy. Native dromedary. Tar pit buttered popcorn. Working Tingles. insufficient Vices. Is a car a puppet? Cuz I'd like really wanted to know. The shuttlecock of the Confederacy. The TALIA Bot. Underaged 50 something. Bactrian Bacteria. Spicy Zelda Takes. Frisbee Pies. Everybody Chaka Kong. Rhesus pieces with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2733: Cheesey Weezy Icon: Link


Description: Brian checks his drawers. Is queso cheese cuz I like really wanted to know?????????? nipples on top of nipples. Mount me in the air. Jim Bro Mine. Astounding Moments of BAM! TMS Rave. No Nachos, No Oil, and No Lt. Yar! No Wires On Brian! Canavan caravan. It seems a little murdery. Deep fried wing beats. Special echo place. Even better becuase you can tuck it away. It just takes a little more of a rub down and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2732: The Mourning Scream Icon: Link


Description: Is Tom Too Early For A Korean Taco. Flesh flakes. Is There a Ring game called Elden Something. Hard as balls with Dunaway. Dry ASS CHICKEN. Holy Poopin Wild Robot. 100% Vince Vaughn. People did butts in college. Wallow-Free Wednesday. Armenian track suit, mustard in the biscuits. Sweetness to the meat. Sometimes uncomfortable garbage hole. Tastes like Dinosaur. Vam-Pier with Brian. Twinkle Twinkle with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2731: Comic Con-Clave Icon: Link


Description: Eff that all the way up the Eff Mountain. Yoga pants and whatnots. John Cardboard Extra Speedo. I'm Type ABBA Blood. A little side prick. Judge Judy and Executioner. Take All Four Massive Ds. Do you even Orange Theory, Bro? Pulpy Woody Paper Thing. Emotional Support Canadians. Scott........ hates a parade. Forgot-Loose. The Pedro Rule. Retail Pooper. Sticking a wang on the end of it with TVs Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2730: The Pope Supremacy Icon: Link


Description: Turkey Straw. Are you ready to receive my limp, limp chip? The Great Vatican Pope Off. Poperection. Cutting open a bag with Occam's Razor. Bounty Bleacher Butt Boy. All of Scott's nightmares in one place. Bodily Fluid Lottery. Pirate High School Musical. Everyone Thought I Peeeeeeeeeeed. Anchorite? AnchorWRONG! Andre the Oil Checker. Doesn't have a hairy leg to stand on. Super-absorbent Teenager. Business Hair with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2729: Flip Lish Leesh Icon: Link


Description: Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. TMS with Scott and Stitch. The Business Part of the Costume. Leprechaun pick up line. Hallo is it Ween You're Looking For. Theoretical Crankage. Except for the Man Face. The Way of the Physics. Go eat a handful of bees! The most punchable face. Dracula Meets Rogan and Franco. Used peppermint chewing gum. Raising Pete. We Love Wesley's Disembodied Arm, With Monica. Keeping your hole warm with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2728: What is Arkanoid Icon: Link


Description: Berkshire Von Elmer. Onion rings worth the shits. Old White Man Noise. Velveeta Apples. Come To The Coverville Grill. There Are FOUR PINGS! Omagoodness. Spinner on That Bastard. It's just Breakout. The Chappelle Roan Gaze. I Would Eat Poutiiiiiiine. The Mendoza Brothers. A lot of Bobs. The wings were sauced. Sad playlists are for only in the winter. Sadamentals with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2727: Itchy No No Icon: Link


Description: Preshowing into the Void. Honky Dong. Is it too early for a learning sandwich? Kevin can F his car. Attack of the Grow Light Tomatoes. Poop News w/ Dr. Gerry. We don't need no AI Cats! Grumbly Guts. Self induced diarrhea. Hocus Pocus not Focussed. Garbaggio in a bucket. That's a penguin? It looks like a bird. Just your blower. Erin Brockajean. Puckin fuppets with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2726: Loppity Hoppers Icon: Link


Description: Where’s my free stuff. Doink Doink! Bracing for Snow. Kia TARDIS. Incessant Talking is NOT a Sport. Eternal Head Planet. hungry for a guy on a guitar. Do You Even Lyft, Uber? Amazon Flex abili PEE. So You Can EAT REESE. Never insert your tape. Early Beef. It's been, Two weeks since you spoiled the show. my doctor gave me a protagonist last week, all good! Gettin' Grotesque with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2725: Wedging Matilda Icon: Link


Description: The Alopecian Trail. No Wendi, No Kim and No Lt Yar! Some Weird Baby with a Nostril Problem. Pet Porker Permit. Short Show, Scott Is Seeing A Vampire. Degenerate gambling with Ibbott. Governor Hook and Loop. The Ultimate Chick in a Bucket. White blobs, moose teeth and doll heads. Placenta Bay: Stay for the After Party. Lop-Earred Branded Rabbits. Poopy Neighbors. Forced into a squat. North South Wales. Slutty Bethesda and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2724: Mowing Skeletons Icon: Link


Description: Thick Wide Margins. Veering Off into Hoo Hoo Ha. Show me your Money Balls. Chubby Guy from the Other Thing. Coke, Meth, Fentanyl, comics, and an Elantra, but no Lt. Yar. Dreamy Crusty Dirt. your dream is still in alpha. Night on Barefoot Mountain. The Most Hated of All the Pluses. Bosch: You Can't Knock Him Over. Eight Men in the Outfield. Trouble with the Curve is man problems. Ben Schwarmers. Shatner's disease with Tom. Knowing Recommentals before they were big with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2723: Zonal Splattage Icon: Link


Description: Swooshes, Splats, and Dynamic Ribbon Devices. Bush Fish Update. Melodic in my Metal. The untamed baboon heart. Gotta Take a Dump to Be Sure. Stop liking us so much. Real Desparate Housewives. America's Heartthrob Steve Buscemi. Reboated the Rebot. Is it Randy or Sandy?! Static Fluctuation. Shawshank was, for sure shanked. Does the bathroom pass the smell test? HeckARecamental. Going on a Bender with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2722: Soylent People Icon: Link


Description: I hate a Paraaaaaaaaaaaaade. Keep your clams clean. Say hello to my little kid. Horse Men doing Horse things. Night of the Living Dorks. Swiss Cheese Tooth. The Power of Signs Compels Thee. Murder Thy Neighbor. Inflatable Suit Randos. Peein the Dog. Fish tanks are not a problem. Cake That Looks Like Bread, Isn't That Pound Cake? The floats are throwing out candeeeeeeee. Oh I can make wind. The Tooth the Whole Tooth and Nothing But the Tooth with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2721: Horse in The Attic Icon: Link


Description: Broken Nose Whatshisname McGee. Topless Shoplifting. Teacher not a T-Shirt. You get No Sopa, No Ropa, and No Lieutenant Yar! Salem and Hutch. Brat Pack Adjacent. Predate Prey Love. Rating different Poops. Animal poo merit badge. Mashed Devil's Tower potatoes. sheen of goo. I still believe in greasy saxophone players. is there a horse in the attic? Neigh. A girl, a tree, and a piece of rebar. Hermititude with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2720: Screw McDuck Icon: Link


Description: Cheaters are Eaters of Peters. Was it the flu shot, or am I just old. Monitoring NORAD during Trivia. Sucking the Fun Out of Something Fun. Kiss Cam Control. Subaru Sally. Stench Adjacent. You Remember It, You Just Don't Remember It. Alright but no tongue. Cheating for 3rd place. Bucket O'Butt Cheese. Mr Kurgan's Patties. Bottomless Daisy with Dunaway. All the Tom Duckery. Who Is Crypto Soze with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2719: Sirius Blech Icon: Link


Description: Mothers in Law - May Contain Nuts. The Sitting Brian Ibbott. Orange Envy. TMS Friday - Don't Not Be There! Indigenous Spice. Aquamanphobia. Comet Jones. Green Tambourine. Is it anywhere? Abacaii. They are ALL Ashleys. Abacus Joke Failure. News Underscore Dingle Dee. Bad use of fur. Just A Shunk With A Handle. I just hate everybody with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2718: Roughly Naked Icon: Link


Description: They Wanged and Also Chunged. 80s Computer Beige. The Ding Dongs Complain about the Bell Curve. Average Sufferer. There's always a fan where there's poo. Stabbisimo. You'll get NO Sarah, NO Jennifer Connelly, and just a SHADOW of LT. YAR! The Princess Bride game is Mostly Boring. Marrying the Eff Up. Crawled through 5 miles of hand sanitizer and came out clean on the other side of. Asking Twice is Just As Nice. Isn't there a game where you're a warrior driving a mech called Mech something? Matt and Trey, their wildest dream La Casa Bonita. Yogurt so good that it hurts. What's the deal with all the Green Lanterns? With Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2717: Sneaky Little Hole Icon: Link


Description: No Thursday, No Wendi, and no Lt Yar! Melvin's gonna hit the dong. 8 to 9 inches of fish. Frankenfeeder. The Selfie Flap. Eddie Van Vedder. Taint nothing but a Chode. Gonna Bark at The Hot Tub, Gonna Make You Wake! Hotub Coach Machine. Yanna and Yohnson sticking it in there. I FOUND THE PICKLE! Yeah it's in my pants. Lambageddon. The raccoon threesome. Hitting the dong with Dunaway. That's Gonna Kill People with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2716: Wrong Swanson Icon: Link


Description: Is it too early for a Chicken Big Mac? Save The Geese! GIVE PEAS A CHANCE! Kimchi is Key. Window Fidgeter. Worry groovin. A Fun Backside. I don't like Pee Twinkeeeeees! 5 Levels of Clickocity. The Maryland Wedge House. Cinnamon poo, olfactory offense. Dumbledorf dick move. Cropdusting Disappointment. Turkey Tom Unwich. Just walk away Mendoza, just walk away. Somewhat Eating Lunch with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2715: Noodle Tax Icon: Link


Description: Spurb Your Enthusiasm. Rocket tubes! Wickedly Talented Adele Denim. I Do Like Geneseeeeeeeeee. Assaulted Pecans. Pervasive Nut. Curving Our Wheels. Lets test the ships bikini. MRI pot raid. Turns out the gun was cancer free. Micronauts FIX. They're still married, for now. Shape Up, Shane. Billionaire Bootlicker, Thursdays on TLC. Perfect Paint Job with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2714: Skanky Pigeons Icon: Link


Description: Texas as hell. The iPad of Honor. The Famous Bob. A nutty cult. Dry, Bitter and from Georgia. We are the World Colon. Pecans. May Contain Nuts. Meat Pants. Everyone's Unheard of Until They're Heard Of. Less Cruel. More Unusual. I don't like Pigeon Herpeeeeees. I'll make your Ass Pretty. I'm an Aesthetician. Pulling it out like Doug Henning. Triple Address Greg. Ruining Thanksgiving With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2713: Unsurprisingly Heartless Icon: Link


Description: In-N-Outback. Illegal Use of Testicles. You may kiss the bride, bitches. No Show for Schmos Tho. The shark ate my punchline. Stuck between a Rock and a Nissan Pathfinder. Creeking My Knob. Park Your Brain and Pretend We're Real. Preteen Nascar training. Snack Box of Mystery. House Hottubian. Inside Doctor House. Processing Eating RAM. Tech & Toes With Tom. Impressive gore with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2712: Dave's Cable Icon: Link


Description: I Can See Fiber From My House. South East Eat-Up. Stewardess, I Ordered the Non-Mouse Meal. The Dumbest of the Rings. Pete Rose Folded. Brian's meat is the most tender. Nobody Eats Chuck! Don't get into the van down by the river. Bet You Didn't See That Death Coming. TDS is Tedious. Faking Keanu. Searching for Sperp. Air-O-Teeka. Huffing on Strawberry Shortcake. Actual Red-Headed Stepchild with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2711: Crumply Little Mess Icon: Link


Description: I Don't Like Cereal and Kimcheeeeeeeeee. C3PFaux. No News, No Internet, and No Lt. Yar. Rock-Hard Sweaty Men. Manic Pixie Bench-presser. The one hand case. Stop or my bomb will shoot. Zero Gravity Mattress. Comparing Our Nuts. A Place for the Rich and Serious. Hella Helena. Chewy Air. Photoshop a Superhero Xerox of a Kleenex. The Same Effing Plane. The Morning Superheros with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2710: Frisbee Tots Icon: Link


Description: Chicken Toenail Sauce. You'll get NO !s, NO Tali, and NO LT YAR! I don't like my food on a Frizbeeeeeeeeee! Jamaican jerk. How to Milk a Soybean. Welcome to the Hotel Californ-AI. All Copper Comes From Utah. Deep fried potato content. Feather Pudding. Molecular Level Bullshit. Doing something with a copy of Highlights magazine. Seitanic Panic. Warshed Flurr. Chicken in the bum. Call now without Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2709: Bammit Icon: Link


Description: Sermon on the Mountain Dew. Personal Trash Can Pizza. Between Two Farts. Brian I. Bot. WinAmplification with Tom. Kneel before ZOT. Podfarting. Covervilles accidental autotune. I don't like cutting Cheeeeeeeeeese. I donât have any units with this person. Halloweenie Peenee Poopoo. Jesus take the pizza wheel. Furry Lifestyle Podcast. My other gopher Beryl. Halfommentals with Brian and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2708: A Comfortable Bosom Icon: Link


Description: Fancy Dragon. Death By Rube Goldberg. Big Horn Brian. I don't like the Wilhelm SCREEEEEAAAAAM!! The Hustler, the Muscler, and the Weirdo. Crotch Pocket. Eat More Birds. Cropdusting all over Snowbird. Xenovision. Where's the Remote? You get the egg, you get the poop, you get the pee. Isn't there a festival during October called something fest? Avian-caused Ignition. Bangin' S's. Baby You Can Drive My Karlach with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2707: Pizza Pi Icon: Link


Description: Covid Butt Version. Pin Trading: In it for the Pricks. Projectile Van-mtting. Tasty Taxi. Left, Right, and Central Tenants. Slob of Wasted Flesh. Shut up dude! Frontierland Pin Dealer. Screw You Jerk! Mmmmmm Flat Veronica. The most inked age group. Open Concept Floorplan. Too many one night stands with other airports. Buffalo Wing Restaurant, the Restaurant. Even with an Abacus with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2706: Covidiocy Icon: Link


Description: Dusty Black Balls. Do you feel lumpy, pump? Good Luck, COVID Head. I love Jeff Goldberg. How Now, Thousand Pound Cow. Dr. Mario Poop Pills. Peter Pan Era. Wet Hot Irish Summer. Yo Clarice, Wassap??? Rotisserie Surfboard. The Air Pods Rap. Muffkey Fuffkey. Get to steppin' bitch. The Hype Button with Tom. Crying At Your Recommental with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2705: Paint Your Head Icon: Link


Description: Dueling CAPSLOCK. Monibot. Haitian Cat Recipes. My legs are dead, Gym. Brian's Bobble Bump. Whittling: the Original 3D Printer. Cookie Cutter Bro. Listen While Chore-ing. No Cards, No Cigars, and NO LT. YAR! We Can Toggle It For You Wholesale. Pineapple Hypothesis. Don't Call Them STDeeeeees! Can't See the Truth for Your Nose. Organs are in, Kazoos are out. The Other Guys with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2704: Spork Talk Icon: Link


Description: Garlic Aioli Borealis. Team Dunawamy. Kim Spores Johnson. I forgot it's Remembrance Day. I got disoriented when I went to peeeeeee. Slap Your Momma Banana Nut Bread. Did You Say Fap Sticks?! Let's test the ship's feezers with Dunaway and Amy. Jeff Glowbloom. Our Nuts are Sweeter and Have More Girth. VPN: Virtual Poo Poo Network. Will It Suck. I've always wondered about the Alphabet. Google Plays Monopoly with Tom. Cat Batman with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2703: Taylor Sweat Icon: Link


Description: Chicken I Found. A Poker for Your Crevices. You Don't Know Jack, Friend. Too Early To Get A FLU Sandwich? Tawk Tua the hand. I don't like bugs I cannot seeeeeeeeee. Are Lion King and Lion King Two Different Movies. Prime Them Horns. No risk no biscuit. Electrified Fly Racket. TV's Trivia with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2702: Friendsville Icon: Link


Description: The Orgs of Orgrimar. Squirt a Zunecast. Interrobang - I'll ask ya, then I'll Bang ya. It Got Me In The Cissy Chute. Achewillow with Amy Frost. A very Ibbot travel day. Ooh I have sticky business. I'm having an Asterism. If you wanna make a comic, ya gotta get with my friend. Distinct cadence. Lyfting to and from Scunge. What happened to the Rogue Man? Panemanem doo doo do doo doo! Dual Lyfting lowercase Stephanie. More human than cyborg with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2701: Bill & Ted Go To Hell Icon: Link


Description: We Saw This and Hated It. Penis von Lesbian. Zoe does WHAAAAAAAT. Bike Immunity. SKIM-podcaster gets skimmed. Alfie Adjacent. Dick Van Scandal. Newspaper Face. Pickleball: Cheating at Tennis. That HA-HA was His not Mine. Pulling that Johnson for a few days. Breach Remnant. We try to kill Dick Van Dyke! A Little Skewy. A comforting Bucket of Jambalaya with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2700: Let My Chickens Cake Icon: Link


Description: All the whittling. Satanic Pecan. Crispy Pickles By the Stove. Tech Time with Little Tommy Merritt. Wasp-Plaining. Mom, Thanks For All the Labor. He has the Potato Voice. It's pronounced pralines. Turtle like gophers. Hold Down Your Thing. Sqeeezeball That Business. Diatomaceous Tomatoes. Committing crimes at close range. WASPS WASPS WASPS WASPS WASPS WASPS EVERYBODY. Making Poo-Tatoes with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2699: Big Potato Energy Icon: Link


Description: Red On-Air Broncos. Fried Potato Root. Coke Adjacent. Wee Ball of Chicken. You Get NO Rest, NO Peace & NO Lt Yar! Multiple Ionics. Hush chips. Costco Flats. these wings are real, and they are NOT spectacular! More Mistakes Than An Applebees Karen. Free Hotel Room Vibe. Mono: Sound & Disease! Love Sports. Hate Sitting Around to watch them. Busy with Beatles Math. Reading Without Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2698: Needa Person Icon: Link


Description: Skateboard for the Lord. Is it Too Early to get a Sand Clamwich. The Shape of Coke Zero. BladeAlienPredatorRunner. Fans of Fanning are Fanning their Fannies. The breakup Cardigans. Sphereception. Chick Fil A No Gay. Brian the Drag Queen Lyft Driver Trivia Host. I have a particular set of Bluetooth trackers. Whales are all head. You know what I do give a damn my dear. Reality Bullshit. Star Wars Voltron Gamers. Deep fried innovations with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2697: Crap Carp Icon: Link


Description: I Sing'd and was Dinged. Hardcore Teet. That Movie Was Bad Meat In My Sandwich. Suzanne Vague. Sticking to the Gig. Six Flags Jr. Only Murdering Songs in the Building. $5 skulls keep Scott happy. 44 of you need to schedule your colonoscopy. Fish in the post office (smoke on the water). Honey Nut Preston. And Bill Hader's gonna Hade, Hade, Hade, Hade, Hade. Martin Short Only Non Fans. Play Retro with Tom. Marty! It's Recomentals with Nicole and Randy. and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2696: Rant Appropriate Icon: Link


Description: Boner Pill Sushi. Floor Fries. Just for Cosplay for Men. It's Morning Somewhere. Country Music Senior Moment. Then you shall have no keys, no toilet paper and no Lt Yar. Weird Little Onion Kids. The Pumpkin Revival. Moist mealworm. Seagram's felonies. Walking In With a Balloon Up Your Butt. Exchange Or DIE. Wicked Arial Battle. The Beetle was a Baby! Being Gale as hell, with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2695: Just Wung It Icon: Link


Description: Star Search Is Processed Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! Ending with the Starter. What's in your Morgan Wallet? The Sound of Shifting Sharon Stone. A Little Less Dolly Parton a little more Post Malone. Half Your Asses Are Belong To Us. Potato Pocket Thing. Your Child is Hooked on Speed. The Dixie Kong Thing. Beta testing the Alamo Arcade. It's All Downhill From Here. The Internet's A Series Of Straws. Authentic Tattooine Clam Chowder. Stoopid Space Aliens. Here's Your Brownie. NOW GET THE F*** OUT and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2694: Thai Land Icon: Link


Description: Scissoring flights. Thairana Grande. Brian Ibbott, seniors bracket arcade tournament. Boning 747. Wear Your Safety Diaper During Lightning Strikes. Sting Ray Herpes. Here's to you, John DiMaggio. All Your Voices Are Belong To Us. Keith David or David Keith. Wasn't there a Prohibition documentary called Prohibition? Do Androids Dream of Weyland-Yutani. You Got Xenomorph in my Repplicant. You Got Replicant in my Xenomorph. Utah is tired of your shit. What's Adam Curry Doing These Days? You Know He's Got Talent. Challenge Day without Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2693: The Dick Bees Icon: Link


Description: A brush with GOATness. The Barracuda People. The Wailin Jennies. Really into Procreating. Salt N Peppa and maybe some Paprika. Color Misregistration with Tom. Camptivated. Looking Pretty for Metzen. Walk Like an Ibbotson. Thank you for running over Thunder Pussy so quickly. I spent 300K for a Yak. Powdered wasps. Getting Back Into The Heroin. Vacation Exception with Tom. Alternating Recommittals with Randy and not Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2692: Bolivian Nose Candy Icon: Link


Description: Vamposer. Palm facing. Do Evil On Your Own Time. CroonchyStars...BorkBork! Raviolo. Knife-Splaining. (v) I Often Wake Up To Peeeeeeeee. Isnât there a candy bar called NESTLE something? Herbert Sprinkles while Robert Plants and Roger Waters. Falling hard from the toot. Tap Tap Tap, Ding Ding Ding, Slap. Yes but I think that's the cocaine. Evil 80/20. Don't Count On The Count Being A Count. I'm TVsTravis MacLoud of the Clan MacLoud and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2691: Cröonchy Stars Icon: Link


Description: Lactive Shooter. Let's a Show Do. Active Milker at the Target. Just Another Panic Monday. Slam these jugs on the ground. The ladies like Romulus. Dunaway, living the retro life. Hind, a Deer, a Red-Tailed Deer. Riblettes Were Thrown. Herbal Verb Use. She kept on serving me. I Like Big Ash and I Cannot Lie. Store Credit, The Worse Kind of Credit. Beware 1970s Oil. Punching joker in the face with Stephen. and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS EXTRA: Let's talk about Deadpool & Wolverine! Icon: Link


Description: WARNING, this is chock full off spoilers around the movie. :) Also joining us, Brian D. and Randy from Film Sack! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2690: Plushy Facehugger Icon: Link


Description: Stinky Kid Waffle Pants. Asian don't raisin. Dessert Ramen. Great Joy Nub. Bright lamp aging. Aspirin zombies. inconvenient convenience fees. Facehugger-proof Headphones. Organ Hole. TMMeth. Chicken heist creates jail bird. Children Of The Beef. Cromulent Comparisons. Dividing 25 by 6 to 4. Abnormally Normal with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2689: Amazing Underpants Icon: Link


Description: Pushing a Johnson. Third Monday. Popcorn Ass Movie. He Knows Where that Butter Goes. Shift+Fart. Toasty Michael Clark Duncan. Canadian Snicker laws with Dunaway. You'll Get No Show On Monday, No Show On Tuesday and No Lt Yar. Back in my day, podcasts were silent! Recommental Robs with Nicole. Unpodfading. I Can't Believe its Not Brando! We All Need A Long One. How do I podcast again? This Kim, my Emotional Support Wife and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2688: Ghost Plumbers Icon: Link


Description: You'll get NO long show, NO Wendi, and NO Lieutenant Yar! Battle Dildos. This Baby Valley Is Uncanny. Thou Shalt Not Look. Lyfting my mom. Not Too Groggy To Guilt. I Need a Larger Face. A Little HIPAA Violation Never Hurt Anyone. Wasn't There Another One With A Chicken? Triangles Are Better Than Circles. DISCUSS! Bare naked bandit. Word To Your Mothers. Dominican DeLouise. Put That in Your Pipe and Ghost It! Only child duty and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2687: The Tolbert Signal Icon: Link


Description: Yup, now it's decorative. Vampire Humperdinck. Tinker Tailor Tuber Style. I Don't Trust SSDeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. No Dill for our Pickles. Birdum's Fridge. The powder of hornet killer compels you. The powder of hornet killer compels you. Come getchyer damn fridge. Tech Time with Cubicle Tom. Utah: the Easy Joke State. Keep Out of Children! Lyfting Kevin the Nun. Dr. Tolbert, white courtesy phone. Dr. Tolbert, white courtesy phone. I would rather not play Would You Rather. Quicker Recommentals without Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2686: Stephen Stealgull Icon: Link


Description: Chum Nipples. Wake Up! Scott Will Never Do Another Makeup! Crabs Chasing Amy. I Don't Like Omega THREEEEEEE!!! Dinged for Dong. NUDE Gallagher. The Morning Soup. Calm Down, Debby DOS! I'll Pay for the Bird Bags. IRC force feeding. Some Week Tonight. 5000 Dead Fish to the Face. The Best Tony (from Chicago). Leave My Crisps Alone Ya Damn Bird! Dangly Book Recommendations with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2685: Loofa Rigno Icon: Link


Description: The Dipsy Chips! Hello from the MRI. Lastname is Placebo. The Soup Nazi had more people! Feet Flavored with Brian Dunaway. Sweaty for the first song. There are more Brads. Greek Town Gyro. I'd have won if it weren't for that pesky Weiner! Not everyone is a Kelly Clarkson. Even Kelly Clarkson. The Best & Worst of the JK's. Harry Potter and the Swollen Surgeon. The Heimrich Manoeuver. The Great McDonalds dumpster fire. How hot are your cheeks, with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2684: Flipping Heck Icon: Link


Description: I can't be the Karen. FDAs Most Wanted. Monster sea booger. Tyson Bones. Connections to Big Chicken. You get NO Colgate, NO Flouride, and SIGNIFICANTLY LESS Yar! Richard of Oysters. Headless sex dolls. Well, my name is Abraham. Your Ring is Wise. Whatâs the number for 411? The times arenât as good. Thanks a lot, Nixon! Ya Dick. The Mandelbaum Set. Ben Yahoo with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2683: Tubular Meat Icon: Link


Description: The Lee Majors Train Has Passed. I like being Covid FREEEEEEE! We're On Smoko. Waxing Mom's Nipples. Do You Honk? Taco Bell Content. The Wearable Third Wheel. Regular James Hong. I Wish To Register A Complaint. YankMe Candle. And the soda tastes like wood. Hey! I'm Driving Here. I have Lawyer Needs. I Have Enough Friends w Tom. Full throated Ray with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2682: Chasing Amy Pickles Icon: Link


Description: Like a B movie. Except with Wasps. Say Hello to My Little Fin! Cocaine Shark do-do-do-do.Pools of Dead. 12 Points for a Plastic Spider Ring. Bye, Felicia! Full Leprechaun or Nothing. Everyone Has a Hudson Hawk. One of the deformed guy movies. Isn't there a Dead Guy Movie called Weekend Something. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Choppa. Gentlemen, Start Your Ritchies. Snakes, Adults, and Youthful Ones. Quick Too Much Information. Doing a thousand vibrators with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2681: Surge Purge Icon: Link


Description: I don't like Multi-Streeeeam. YouTube Makes Me Twitch. The Marvelest Mr. Ibbott. Fed in the dark by hunchbacks. Olympic Sex Village. Leave A Turd In Her Mailbox. No Back Hugging. Getting the C from a sea of people. Oily Lympics. Doin it on an Amazon box. The Ream Team. The Cleanest Bums in the NBA. Ivory Soap Happy 99.44%. Bel-ar-us oh oh. Stephen Schleicher Is Lagmaster Jones and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2680: Tall Narcissists Icon: Link


Description: You Get NO Brian, NO Wendi & NO Lt Yar! Booster Hearts. FDA Special Agent. Baby Bird Burrito. There's more to Ireland than Lucky Charms. Science Adjacent. Boiling Boogersnots. Cancer Crabs. Bless Me Podfather For I Have Sinned. Big-eared Idiot Head. Make Utah Mid Again! Bring Back the 50 Wife Deal. They Looked at he valley and said We'll Take It, and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2679: Roomba Clanahan Icon: Link


Description: Competitive Sweeping. Sneaky Alligator. That 70s restaurant. Karen Butthole. Home Malone. Everyone back in the Poo! Golden Starship Trooper Girls. Flaking Off Their Day Skin. Lift Your Gays. Dr. Tooth and the Subway Next Door. Coretemu. The Power of Laps Compells You! Cupping That Battery Bum. The Survey Says. The Shelf Of Shame w Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2678: Joe Danger Sky Icon: Link


Description: You get no breast exam, no pap smear, and no Lt. YAR! Let's Talk About the Duck in the Room. Stick a thermo meter in your duo denim. I Don't Like Your Mac & Cheeeeeese! The BEST shit. Squirting those digestive juices. Scott's Mom Is An Outlaw. 10:15 With A Colon. Fun-Sized Episode. No Show Monday! Experian elder care. Where Do You Need Your Cream Filled? Brundlefly Funktastic. Don't say a WORD about the oranges! The year was 1984 and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2677: Pez Zero Icon: Link


Description: No faking Mr. Pancake. McAddict. Inside Stephanie's pet. Being Gentle with Brian's Thing. The Morning Unboxing. Rough time in shipping. Fiddle Farting with Dunaway. The Boxtroll Agenda. Sweet Coraline. Aged Like a Fine Abnormal Wine. her head's off.. heads not supported to be off. Wasn't here a Matrix movie called Matrix something. A Hose Pops Out. No ads with Tom. People You Don't See with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2676: Jeebies On The Side Icon: Link


Description: Boober Shells. Mr. Pancake and the hamsters. Tortilla Size Floppy Disks. The Wrong Kind of Oniony. Hostess Twinks. No peach shall touch the grass! 3 month sticky kitchen. Australians Are Big Giant Queens. Merlympics. Fantasy of Fish Folk. Walk without Risotto. Locally-Sourced Heebies. we have a code 389 - multiple gerbils. It's 8 inches ... but floppy. Steamed on a Pile of Onions with TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2675: 4 Alarm Diaper Icon: Link


Description: Is it too early for a piss sandwich? Duodenum, Denim, and Dunaway. Porch Pirate Pooch. Korean Soup. Infinite Leash. Wordle distracted dog walker. Rub the Buttons with Both Hands. Timberlake oven mitts. Nepo not Pedo. Laser Lemon. Who are the a**holes in your neighborhood. Le Party. This one's for you, row 283! Full of Food that John Hates. You Have To Paint Them With Stephen Schleicher and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2674: Kinda Hootery Icon: Link


Description: Nun in the Bucket. Hootie at Hooters. Mr. Roboto cohost. Weird meat nugget. Poop on Glass. All the Suddens. Snakes Gonna Snake. Bite Twice to Neutralize. Leopard print suspect. Cat Action Satisfaction. Taking the rage quit deal. Crusty Hairy Push. full burger habit. There Is A Zipcode Involved. Tech time with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2673: Rubbin' Nubbins Icon: Link


Description: Anal Funnel Cake. How to train your algorithm. The devil made this table. Space Camel Toe. She Spoke with her Fist. You'll Get No Data, No Chemistry, and No Lt Yar! New Borg Burrito from Chipotle. He Was Into Old Man Worm. Scott complains about his pencil. In there diggin' with my fingers. Getting Through The Garbage. Quarterly Apple Fritter. The Gap is a Design Feature. It happened in Gay Paris with Tom. Try Not to Lactate with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2672: OnlyFusedFans Icon: Link


Description: You get No Ads, No micro-transactions and NO Lt Yar! Skintro. Can't stiff the Lyft. I've Been Swipped & Swapped. Welcome To Ibbott Cab: Cash, Grass or Ass? Appropriate For Genital Audiences. Triple Click to Be Sure. I Like The Higher Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds! (I don't like bees). Frilly Cute Panty Deals. Baaaabyyyyy Landshark do do. Who lives in an egg under the bay? Jean Grey Phoenix!. Boneless 3D Printing. Get your Joy Buzzer on Etsy. THERE ARE FOUR X SPEEDS! We are Bob, with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2671: Hairyola Icon: Link


Description: Tina for scale. The Morning Nonsense. Brian Ibbott Fan Expo. Nipple Business. Vegetables of Courage. Thrust and Torque in the pool. Moist Fireworks. Hot Fart American Summer. Secondhand Goose Water. We Do Nonsense. Wooden wiener target. Don't build on ancient teenage makeout grounds. Relaxing the cables. Convalescing With Con Crud. Let The Wookie Win With Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2670: Puke-a-chu Icon: Link


Description: So-de-licious. Hairy Metal with Dunaway. Tomorrow we Celebrate FREEDOM... Freedom from TMS. Rah! Rah! Wrong team! The Cracks in Tina. Well Pat my Cheese steak. Certified Companions Let It Rip. F Minor Bombs. Tom's got the Vim. killer cords from outer space. Van batting for the other team. Rat-a-too-tees. Sorry Canada. Soda bubbles are devil's farts. They had hair and were a band. Dilated Anus and Euphoric Recommentals and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2669: Bees Louise Icon: Link


Description: Eyeball Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Goth Elvis Impersonator. Hey ChatGPT write me a Rant about whether AI Prompters are Artists. Soaking the nub. Forbidden Bologna. Human flesh Chia pet. There Are Fore Skins. Marrying All The Kids. Box of Ron Jeremys please. Skid Squin. Greased up Tongans. He didnât spend 6 years at Echo medical school to be called doctor. Shemmys and Shgrammies. Meat is murgher. Moisturizing the Roomba with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2668: Munkeys and Dunkeys Icon: Link


Description: The Fat Bastard Alternative. Shake him off my turd. Bikerack Mountain. Big Fella? What the Hella? Powered By Pickle Juice. Human free zoo time. I don't like WebPEEEEEE. I only need one kind of butt soreness. Castor Oil Parfait. Stupid Hill. Ain't Too Proud To Sag. Its a fun job. You're stopping and grabbing people. Hi Slop! Lance Armstrong Lookin' Bike Dudes. MystBusters With Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2667: Modularity Jockularity Icon: Link


Description: Two Guys, a Package, and a Ring Camera. No Chris Brown, No Cooch, and NO LIEUTENANT YAR! Wife likes normal speed. Neighbor man, cool, manly, and convincing. Spice Moms. Re-butter the Chode. TMS is Snot for Everyone. Less jump outable. Glass recognition drinking problem. So Not A Swifty. Fake Title. Boogers and all! The Scott abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. Throwing Up Hearts. No Wendi, but Wendy's Combo Meal and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2666: Yawn Rock Icon: Link


Description: Brian Ibbott is back like a vertebrae. Pinata massengill. Tubal Litigation. You shall not password! How Lame is Your Claim. Peeping through the pee hole. Curry-Covered Kids. Fountain Blue farting. Play The Bird Machine. You'll Get Three Strikes, No Poochie and No Lt Yar! Dance till they vomit. Troma Angry Birds. Trapezoids, Trapezius, Trapadoos? Exhausting Puppy Behavior with Tom. JERRY SEINFELD VOICE with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2665: What the FORK is that Icon: Link


Description: Bakatakatikabadaka. Starts Latka, Ends Watto. Hand Pulling My Noodle. Space Avatar Tyler Mephistopheles. Big-Eyed Girl Genre. If I'm talking, I'm Podcasting. Genessee Degeneracy. Choked On Cheese Stick. Isn't there a film called something Sack? Barry can roll my dice. Benign Sporting Goods Tumor. Terminal One in the Pink. Raccoon Paul's Drag Race. Popping Cherries. Dan Says The 'F' Word With Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2664: The Bleau Veneau Icon: Link


Description: Buried in man chest hair. Donald Sutherland wasn't our fault. The Saddest Price. A remote Ibbott. Unzip the Hip. There Are TWO Stripes. Vexilogical Vexation. Apple divorce court. Sleeping Above The Deli. Hallin' Oates into court. The Other Elvis was in the Building. Forcing sounds out of his moving head. Agassi Odyssey. Cooch's Secret Origin. Superman has 6 fingers with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2663: Now Hornet Free! Icon: Link


Description: Put up a SARSguard. Small town Dicks. Ask your doctor if Finestra is right for you. Obi-Wan Podsafe. Scott's Twin Desire. People Need the Butt. I don't want to break anybody's parade. Left Boob Factory. Almost A Kevin. Opening a can of hornets. Always two Sarsgards there are: master and apprentice. A.I. Babies. Doctor Do Too Much. Optimus Prime's Back End. 10 Extra Ketchups with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2662: Slippery Chicken Icon: Link


Description: No TMS tomorrow, it's Juneteenth! Tubi or Not Tubi. My buzzers are in the wrong place. Rimming Everything. Interfenestration. Scott shoots hummus from his eyelids. HBO - Horrendous Body Odor. Cara B Meat. The Sausage King of Seinfeld. Deez Nuts Pro. Squeaky Crotch Grease. Liv Tyler: the Streaming Service. Some are More Zero Than Others. Boogers In A Half-Shell: Oyster Power! Thick Decadent Science with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2661: Booty McFailface Icon: Link


Description: Anniversary of sliding down the chute. do birds sound like dinosaurs, I like really wanted to know. A Faster Way to Lube Your Chain. That's NO Reset Hole. Sake Dribbles. Big, Meaty Show. How to fat-shame a dinosaur. Brian the Impaler. Professor Plum, in the hole, with the paperclip. Ear Particles. Putting the Tramp into Trampoline. Fascist Hash Factory. Florida Puts it ALL out there. Distracted by a van scream. Name that nerd with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2660: Kissing Kansas Icon: Link


Description: Moist Owlettes. Subaru Juggalo. Spaghetti Midwestern. High Percentage of Wackadoo. Optimus Prime Megatron. This diner is so good you'll bust a gut! Bjork It, Girl. The cough sneeze colon removal. Cat turd jello. King FertInHand. Autobots, steal cars. Sex, Drugs, and Monopoly. Get on the Horny. I Don't Like MSRPeeeeee. Ripping Down the Walls with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2659: Two Wasps, One Stone Icon: Link


Description: Pee Scrapings. Uncle Tubby. Yaaard Situation. We Hear Kim Eyerolling. Asymmetrical nipples. Don't Come To TMS To Learn Stuff. If the 1940's were a person. Hard of Verbal. READ MY LIPS. It's Pronounced JIF. It puts the lotion on the feathers or it gets the rake again. Lyft School. Mouthing the Passenger. it burns on the way out. Never a Thomas, always a Tom, with Tom. Recommentals With NO Randy, NO Nicole & NO Lt YAR, and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2658: Midnight Duds Icon: Link


Description: Brilliant at night, stupid in the morning. I don't like Judgemental BEEEEEEEEES. You'll have no honey, no wax, and NO LT YAR! The only thing to sphere is sphere itself! Disorganized Retail Theft. Hit 'Em At Dusk! I'll kill the wasps but I ainât cleaning the windows. MacOS Fresno. We Are All Encino Men Now. LEGO of my LEGO. Dookie Of Hazard. Hornets, spray and pray. McSpacenstein. Time Rice Cooker. 3 to 7 business days with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2657: Newman Gnome Icon: Link


Description: Kim's Chi. Chadpool. If He Dies, It's Not Us. Cranking the Nipple. The Heat of the Cool. The Frollo is also cursed. Hey there scooter boy, get off the lawn. Buckle in your Tentacles. No curb too high. Reeth Witherthpoon. Peanut Pickin' Bastard! HMart, Korean for KMart. Remember 2015? Did They Wipe? Compact comics with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2656: Nose Raisins Icon: Link


Description: LEAVE BULLWINKLE ALONE! Don't Moose Around. My fancy spider-man shirt. Practice Peter. Looking for the purple banana. Air Chimpanezes. Nilly Wellson. Constant Glance. Stinky Little Weirdos. Door handle tooth removal. WW2 Rain Delay. That's No Eggplant. Super ketchup packets. Dip and Squeeze is my Hall and Oats cover band. Just Pooping It Out With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2655: Nine-Toes Nick Icon: Link


Description: Too Much Rear, Not Enough Window. There are places you hang washing. It's content until it's creepy. Come for the Loins. Stay for the Butt. Lefty Nipple McGee. Butt Pinchy. Gay mating rituals. That's a Typo. The Globetrotters are real to me dammit! I'm good, but my son's day sucked. The New Era of Piracy. The Pantyhose Confuses Me. Julia Freakin Roberts! Please Pack Your Phone and Go with Tom. An Uncomfortable Scene with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2654: Eat the McRich! Icon: Link


Description: I Wanna Be a Bone Doctor. Shoulder Shake Butt Slap. Fettuccini: the other F word. I've seen your parents, Dick! Woody McWooderson. She Didn't Want to be an Urologist? Billiam Gates. All you can eat Warren Buffet. Strawberry truck jam. I wanna be Emily Deschanel when I grow up. Idaho! Utah's Psychotic Hat. One Fart To Blow Them All. already enough buggery. He Really Blew His Nose! Autodesking with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2653: This One's For Allen Icon: Link


Description: Feces Piecees. Bag of Gizzards. Expected Jerkness. 99 Shit Balloons. I'm a Salad Believer. Peanut Eminem. Goblins of Democracy. Meat spill. Dump the salad in the thing. Kurkey Tooking. Prince Charming: Necrophiliac. Old man yells at kids in tree on lawn. Cereal - It's What's for Dinner. Good Day. How Do We Pee Because I Like Really Wanted to Know with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. This one's for Allen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2652: Summon the Beekeeper Icon: Link


Description: Blow It Like an NES Cartridge. Road-Ragey Dicknose. Bonkâs Cork, Utah. I'm Going Vintage. Gray-Haired Jack-Knife. One Of Our Dans. Edward Batmanson. It's still not Kate Walsh. Brain Worm Spores. Scraping the Kid out of bed. Honk if You're Froggy. Nebish little weenie boy. A zip-zop-zoop turning circle. I Don't Like Osama Beeeeeeeeeen Ladin. Never Check Settings with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2651: Shuckelheads Icon: Link


Description: Spine, Crackle, Pop! I Don't Like Alpha Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Chevy Shovette. Brian's carbonated meat woman. Your Princess is In Another Axis. Another Sand Movie. That'll do Penguin... That'll do. Danny Elfman - Elder God. Really changed the way I block sunlight. Tube in a Tube. Papyrus - Font of the Gods. Putting All Americans In A Pothole. The Only Adult in Any Room. The Man on Google Lied with Tom. Artsy & Fartsy Recommentals w Randy, Nicole & Matteo and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2650: Serial Senior Slingshot Shooter Icon: Link


Description: I Don't Like Beeeeeeeeves. Don't pee so close to me. Scott has not scene ALL of Furiosa yet. Bars In The Basement. Pounding Patrons Down Your Throat. Not Annoying In 2 Places. Public Peeing Protocol. Where's Harvey Chip? Let there be traffic light. Happy Day Of Hamburgling. Whipped out Larry the Scarry. Garden Hose Cooldown. Isn't there a lift that goes on stairs called a Stair something. Thou shall erect a stoplight! Can I Pet That Dawwwwwg with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2649: Ivan The Frequent Icon: Link


Description: Red On Air John. Hose under the nose. The Elvers Have Left The Building. Upper class crackheads. Lego dogs. He's Really Into Cars. Don't Go To The Crack Hospital. Little Booger Cars. Multiple Bottom Lines. We are A Menace To The Elderly. Tes-Love. Philip P RSVLTS shirt. Low Poly Cyber Folly. This one goes out to all the Kyles. Farting Teslas with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2648: Backyard Funyun Factory Icon: Link


Description: Carter can move the hornets. The MangoLeers. Distracting familiars. Skinny For No Reason. ALL YOU CAN EAT RICE!! Salem's not a Lot, with Dunaway. Eleven Hooha Sixy-three. Not Heirloom Tomatoes. People like typing two letters. Misery's on First. Kojak: Who Bites You Baby? Length but no Girth. Nutty but not in Flavor. Casual, Comfortable, Suspicious Tom Merritt. Alien Dogs and Cats of All Kinds with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2647: Grandma McFlurry Icon: Link


Description: Shade on Cox. Coffee Adjacent. Tik Tok Hot Pot. Let's Taco Bout Sandwiches. Scott is a Fungi. The worst part of waking up is Postum in your cup! Previous enjoyment shirt. lacerating humpback annihilator. Baby Poo Sauce. I don't like Exxon Valdeeeeeeeez! Sentinels: Stupid and Great. A Urine a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. Know Your Car Holes. could I BE anymore of a ghost? What are you listening to in this picture? Ope, There Goes Gravity! w TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2646: Flavored Water Polo Icon: Link


Description: That Phone has Call Screaming. Is Time Real Because I Like Really Wanted To Know. I Don't Like Buckeeeeeeeeeeeeeys! Ol' Gamy Johnson. Knobby Brown Things. Arizona Jimmy. Soupa Twopa. Go Find the Clues and Do the Thing. Temu IMAX. John De Mulaney. Beware the Ides of Beanfork. Half-Round. Furiosa, where the cars come sweepin' down the plain. Kinda Hosed---On A Bunch Of Fronts. Schleicher coming in hot with Major Spoilers and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

The Therapy Show S2E0: New Beginnings Icon: Link


Description: An important word from Scott & Wendi. :) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2645: Schrodinger's Marriage Icon: Link


Description: You'll have no portal, no midnight pizza, and no Lt. Yar! My Big Fat Frogpants Wedding. I always feel like the pencil is watching me! The Brest of Denver. A brilliant idea until people get involved. Licks on a Plane. Porty McPortalface. Lumpy-eyed potatoes. Zoomy Fingers Johnson. Steambutt Willie. You know what? I like fun! It's That Guy From Blur. Greased up Tongans. All Pencil, No Pad. You will have NO Sail Away with your Habanero and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2644: Fort Boyardeee Icon: Link


Description: Whiff of Ibbott. Glove Box of Holding. The Cameron Wipe. Baldwin Bush. No More Cruise, Just Hanks. How Is Your Camel Toe Doing? What's In Scott's Eyedrops. Bermuda, No Shorts. Total Squatch Hunter. F that Uptown Girl. New Clear Wessel. Scott's Car Is full Of Sharpies. Did we guess Fleshlight? No? Too Bad. Gemini Man or Machine with Tom. Loud Mother-In-Law with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2643: Suing Your Oates Icon: Link


Description: You Get NO Niles, NO Daphne & No Lt Yar! Ibbott and Costello. DJ CoolWhip. What does the Colon Say? Alcoholic Fresca. Tiny home, huge pantry in basement. GRENADAH! Kung-Fu Chow-Chow. Sigfried & Roy: Attorney's at Law. Half the Money, All of the Mustache. TMS Kills the Sax. It's Budweiser All The Way Down. Proximity to Bean Forks. Orange is the new Gold and Black. Radiating The Joy Button With Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2642: The Herps Icon: Link


Description: Printing The Plug Hole. Everyone Loves Dunaway. Hot Soft Bananas In Your Area. Benny & The Jessirits. You'll get no onions, small portions and no Lt Yar. Milk is Spicy. No Bread for Crusty Old Men. You Know, 1 in 4 People Have Conspiracies. That'll Do Thor, That'll Do. Australia: My Favourite Outback. Yoda the Frog. Pepper Steak inflation. The Elephants have gone to a farm upstate. Pushing Whale Notifications. Stretching Doughnut Holes with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2641: General Consumer Spicy Icon: Link


Description: They pelted us with rocks and garbage. Who Runs Molar Town? Master Blaster Runs Molar Town. Like Borgnine. Only Naked. The Tooth Fairy is a Nark. Dentistopia. Tarantino's Beaver Nuggets. Saint Francis of Chi-Chi's. 487 people walk in to a birthday party. Shamalama ding dong Daughter. Walking the relish. The Smell of Kids at a Sleep-over. She Blue Herself. Emma Stone is not Anna Kendrick. Justin Bieber Nuggets. A Different Kind of Therapy with Monica and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2640: Brief and Feeble Icon: Link


Description: Save It For The Sack. Dory the Explory. No Core, No TMS and No Lt Yar! There Were THREE Bodies. Dungeon Murder - The Trading Card Game. Yawn's Yob. Reverse Cowgirl Twister. Whatever Alley I Have... It's Up It. Wrong Way Tornado. We're Pretty Steeped. Lion King and What's Her Bucket. Anthrax before Mater. HONG KONG TOILET. The Dice are High Enough with Tom. Lining up and sticking in the recommentals with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2639: Post Capone Icon: Link


Description: Chicken Hat. You can't have your Cake and listen to it, too. I don't like STREAMING Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! A Little Butt Lip. I survived the Hindenburg and only got this lousy T-shirt. Sleuth & Lies. Non asshole cake. Tax Filing Simulator. OH THE HUGE MANATEE! ATM Toilets. Johnson's Wad. How Rotten is Your Chicken Leg. Donkey Porn. Feeling good about proving a little girl wrong with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2638: Death by Pancakes Icon: Link


Description: Delineated Ibbotts. Stop killin' the villain. Diplomatic Technicality. The Pot's Not Free, so Go Home! Large Hands and Girthy Cans. What happened in TMS Vegas is talked about all week on TMS. Not Just Clean. VEGAS CLEAN. I Did Say Hibbott. Skeevy Gyllenhall. Penthouse Show at the Plaza. Eating each others air. Spherical Flying Pig Dreams. Even the Chairs are Sticky. The Topless Nun Is Alive & Well. To Me, My Major Spoilers and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

The TMS Vegas Live Show - 2024 Icon: Link


Description: This was our live show from the Sand Dollar in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada! Enjoy! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2637: A Moist Hug Icon: Link


Description: Cobra Kai Soccer Academy. What does the Sloth Say? Do brains smell, 'cause I like really want to know. Have you ever smelled an organ? Aren't You a Little Scottish for a Stormtrooper? Social meteor. Preserving the Dookie. Tripod Unit. Screaming Sloths. TMS: New Vegas. 106-Year-Old Breadmakin' Lady. Fargo 4 Patch. Ya, you betcha, that's a scary Xenomorph over der. No shows next week. Taking Out the Trash with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2636: Apocalypse Soon Icon: Link


Description: The Miming Stream. A Vegan is Grass Fed Meat. The place where good ideas go to die. The Proto-Doggorito. first person pumper. Fingering the Wrong Button. Ol' KillerRabbit69. TMS Field Day. I Don't like the Utah zeeeeeeeeees. Doktorpope Is Neither Doktor Nor Pope: DISCUSS! Pants weather at night. In cyberspace no one can hear Brian scream. A Quiz On Nerbidy Topics With Brian Dunaway. The Man, The Myth, The Tom w Tom! Recommentals with Dandy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2635: Suspicious Gravy Icon: Link


Description: The Whorehouse Club. I'll never Passover A Cheesecake. Hootie & The Bacon Reference. Is today a day, 'cause I like really want to know. One last wash before Vegas. Died of TMB: Too Many Birthdays. Kirkland Gold. Portugal The Man, the group from Alaska. Your Sandwich Was A Holocaust. Podcaster with the Biggest Unit. The Saxaphone Genre. Dip it!! Parasocial Internet Uncles. George Straight of what state? I'll be in my room, polishing my ring, with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2634: The Temu Bellagio Icon: Link


Description: He Died Monet-less. It's All Clothes & Lady Shit. Rose Gold On Air Light. Watter Fountain. It's A Fancy Bag. Palindromic and Nutty. Hiking Boy Fatty. An Innocuous Little Fart of a Movie. These Are Not The Fountain Drinks You're Looking For. shirtless dads holding babies. It's Dig Dug Week. I wanna see the rear view. There Are THREE Camels. Being nearly car murdered with Dunaway. Proving Children Horribly Wrong with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2633: All I Heard Was Spanish Yelling Icon: Link


Description: I Don't Give Two Chits About You Meeple. You're Dead, Go Sit In The Corner. Diamond Pants Babies. Showy McShowFace. The Smell Of The Irish. Sorry, It's A Long One. Donny the slack jawed yokel. Bull Scrotum Dice Cup. Grubby Fingered Chiclet. No time for timer. Doing the Top Hat. I thought about tweezers once. Brian Ibbott, Tax Attorney. I don't like cryptocurrenceeeeeeee, with Tom. Book Him Dano, Recommentals with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

The MONDAY Show 11: The Aftermath of Raynor's Sin Icon: Link


Description: Today is all about cooking things poorly, getting mom back home, and getting free tattoos when your artist screws up, and then a BIG catch up on your texts and emails and calls! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2632: Beer Pulp Icon: Link


Description: You can have a little esque. As a treat. Keep the Hairy Part. Imma Go Twist An Oreo. Clunky Pixel Font. Glock is Extra. Feces of Death. Coy Oat. Cancelled For Backbiting. Crunching the Onions. Pale Ale Fail. Does ANYONE Know The Price Of Stamps, 'Coz I REEEEALLY Want To Know! Getting Funky In The Clip Clop. The Best Defence Is A Strong Stench. Why Make a New Place Smell Like Poo? Blame Dave. Ibb-uprofen with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2631: Scaredy Tax Icon: Link


Description: Foaling for Boof. Have I Done My Taxes Because I Like Really Wanted To Know... Sell The Cats, Lease The Basement. This episode is a business expense. Ol One Sock Johnson. No Carol Channing, NO ERNEST BORGNINE, and NO LT. YAR! Salami Jeans. Grandma got run over by the slip-n-slide. Dirty Dirt Sand Pile. Boot-Cut Salami. Turns out the key to success is plagiarism. No Prom Dunaway. I'm into chonky veggies. Don't Mainline Apple Pie. Tyrannosaurous President. What Color Are Robin's Thight Because I Like Really Wanted To Know... w Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2630: Snip N Shake Icon: Link


Description: Ted Bundy's This And That. Mitzula-Approved Zones. He died of being 114. We're All Tired Of Bono. Not Worth The Waint. Stare at your hands and don't puke. Girth Quake. Coronal Mass Ejaculations. Scape Goatee. I'll Giggle It! You Get NO Privacy, NO Grace And NO LT YAR! A Comic Book is a Comic Book is a Comic Book. Resident Canucklehead. Blurry Shark Nerd Nerd Ferfert Ferfert. In The Drawer The Whole Time With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2629: Alice Doesn't Live Any More! Icon: Link


Description: Showbot was down with Tom, Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2628: Hell Toupee Icon: Link


Description: I Don't Lyft For Fun Bro. Nun of the Nudity. You Lost Me At Cowboy. Moretets Lipsmack. Red On-Air Arms. Not Chechnya's Tempo. All Up in the Good Wife. Babies smell like what we dip them in. Isn't there a Cowboy named Space something? Ramazan whoah black Betty! Why do my eyes hurt, 'cause I like really want to know... Frankensteins, Werewolves, and Shit, Oh My! Lance Bass Residency. Did they Gleam the Cube. Luscious Beards with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2627: Sniffin' Baby Brains Icon: Link


Description: Total Eclipse Of The Nerd. West Wing Bitch Face. Largest Prime Rip Pooped Out By A Man On An Island... w Dunaway. I Don't Have STDs. It puts the lotion on the book. This book is made of people! Nothing to see here ... Anymore. Death Metal Circus. Going Going Gon...orrhoea. Beck's still doing shit. Sound of Mucus. New baby smell. Space Nuggets. It's Arbor Day Charlie Brown. It's Very Massive With Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2626: Follow me on Centigram Icon: Link


Description: Scott Does Pot Math. weirdly porous. Prison Toilet Cosplay. One-Eyed Willy's Hotdog Water. 12 Chickens per Beaver Tail. Ugly Muffins. Char My Dog. A DanDecaGram. Factoring the Crap Outta Polynomials. A nice digestive biscuit. Unfathomably Bored. You're An Asshole Charlie Brown. Rusty Trumpet. Bono Doesn't Owe You an Apology. Forgetting To Be Tired with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2625: Drunk Call Tuesday Icon: Link


Description: Living La Vida Dog Poop. Nether Piercings in the Wind. Back to the Uterus with you Jimmy. We're Gonna Need a Bigger Head. Liftin' & Whiffin'. I pick up the poo, and you should too! Whatcha Drinkin'? Whatcha Playin'? Does Buttered Toast Fall Face Down Because I Like Really Wanted To Know. The Bradley Cooper you ordered on Wish. No Show Tomorrow. Shaking the poo sausage. An Orphan Farm Boy Kisses His Sister. Flippity Ibbott. Call of Duty: Merlot Warfare. IT'S NOT A TRAP! w Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2624: Diddy Diddler Dollar Tree Icon: Link


Description: Diddy Diddler Dollar Tree. Watery Willy. Spice Girl Spice Weasel. Kids with Sledgehammers. Futurama Fauna. Poplar's Not Popular. It's April Fools, unfortunately. Godzilla Math Problem. Prudish Pyramid. I Mixed The Sausage In With The Biscuits... If You Know What I Mean. Baku Baku. TMS: Not Biblically Accurate. Those Saucy Koreans. The Square Root Of Kong. They Might Be Cunning Linguists. The Fairly Interesting X-Men with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2623: Infinity Nuggets Icon: Link


Description: A Pocket Full Of Whoa. HOA Narcs. Managed Fascism. CakeShake. Squircle. That's too much number! Is this normal? HarKOnan the Barbarian. Pete Best Spice. Girls with giant eyes. Always check your grilled cheese. Navigational Nomenclature. Post Sphere Farts. 31 days until Vegas. Dating a Hardware Store with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2622: Incompatible Soap Icon: Link


Description: Bobby Frankensoap. Patrick Beiger. I don't like Sexy Beeeees! Does it throb. It'd Be Really Cool If It Did. Corban Dallas Multiverse. Roster Poser. We Know Nothing About Luna Snow. White On Air Light. Winning Prizes Nobody Wants. No More Mr Rice Guy. Glider the 90s Flappy Bird. Today's Episode of TMS is NOT Sponsored By Philips. Golden Bum. The Following Tech Time is Brought to You With Limited Commercial Interruption, With Tom. No Cap in the Skibitty Toilet With Randy and Nicole.and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2621: Toilet Epiphany Icon: Link


Description: Nuts on bark. You'll get no Punished Props, No second half of the show, and NO LT. YAR! She's Legs All The Way Down... And To The Left. Indiana Jones and the Frisbee of Doom. The Lotion On the Skin Guy. I've seen a fat kid get shot with some bullets. It's Time To Watch Goonieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. AI art is like porn. You know it when you see it. Let us Snopes that for Ya. Sugar-free Sugary Things. Ten Easy Payments of 175 Million. Tomorrow's show will be normal. Once you get into the box you can suitcase that stuff up. It hit me whilst on the toilet. Bill's Making Farts and less on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2620: Dickelodeon Icon: Link


Description: Somewhere Over the Lemon. Nmenomenic, Do doo dee doodoo. Pumba of the Planet of the Crystal Empire Richards. Richard Skull. Leg-Salad Sandwich. Barometric pressure, pushing down on me, pushing down on you. In Olive Garden no one can hear your family. They Buried The Cannibalism. Two Girls, One Cup, Zero Plot. You get NO Issues, NO Pause & NO Lt Yar! Soap Nâ Slide. Fly around the cheese. Your Body's A Barometer. The police are calling for Brian. Coddle Your Damn Eggs with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2619: Snorehammer 40K Icon: Link


Description: Use the Fork, Phoebe. M3GAN Starter Kit. Posable Creepy Kid. Inaudible Audible. Ballerina At Ball Arena. The Alien Head Kid. Brian's Bucket-List Of Bands. Close Encounters of the Mannequin Kind. Terrestrial Extras. Nobody Likes A Big Stink. Boas In The Air Vents. 4K Monitor Lizard. Caught Red Pand-ed. Oh Good They Aren't Following Us. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Genocide with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2618: Jerky Jorts Icon: Link


Description: Passive Aggressive Income. Garbage Can Jessie. Where's Our Tit? We don't have Buck-EEEEEEEEEEEs. Strong enough for a man but made for Peter Dinklage. Least offensive chocolate. Reecie Piecies for you Birfday with Dunaway. Kim Makes Her Cookies with Extra Gluten. Cookies in the Street. Two Mentions of Dune Per Episode. Jerk Your Nugs. Conan the Dairy Queen. Just Remember, It's All Your Fault. The Art of Tao with Tom. All in the Furiosa with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2617: 24 Karat Kid Icon: Link


Description: I'd use Bunny Ears but it Upsets the Rabbits. Life After Dookie. When I was Seventeen, I Made a Chi Chi T-Shirt. I dont' like to miss TV when I PEEEEEE. Briansplaining Fish. Name another guy from Dire Straits YOU CAN'T. Mark Knopfler runs Barter Town. THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN! That's Where My Legs Go. Putting Hair on George. Trivia for Cartwright? Four? Dun Fiddy. Muadib Alarm. I Want My MTV (I don't like bees). There Is No Game, Only Zuul with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2616: Appropriated Mannequin Icon: Link


Description: I buy my arms at Amazon. Ben Silo. (Arnold Voice) Get your ass to Idaho! Yellow Pollen Brain Fog. Lymph is Just a Node. Too Much Donkey. I Left My Gloves In Brian's Kia. Lyft and Lost and Find. Satan's Bukakke. Portable Cerebro. How Much of the Plate is Pie? The Big Head condition. Film Sack is my White Noise. Do Herbivores eat vegans cos I like really wanted to know. Double Bobby Toil and Trobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2614: Chommy Tong Icon: Link


Description: Sexytime Tub. The Shawshank Sisters. Left Behind But With More Aliens. Eventually We All Go To The Big Fake Pyramid In The Sky. Screaming Brown Note. One Noise, Two Noise, Red Noise, Blue Noise. Babyface Johnson Maintains His Streak. Wasn't there an Angry movie called Drive Something? I Like Better Sleeeeeeeep. Reach in and pick a stinker. Kotick Tok. Scott Watched Chunks. How Many Millimeters Do You Speak. TikTok Block with Tom. Enjoyably Predictable Recommentals With Randy & Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2613: Zombibbott Icon: Link


Description: Where the Ruffalo Butt Roams. 50 Shades of Kimchi. The Grandmother Death Stare! Bad Weather, Perfect Storm. You Get NO Sleep, NO Oscars & NO Lt Yar! Rock em' Sock em' Cena. Flying Weiners Are The Wurst. Lil' Brian's Great Booby Adventure. The Jersey Shire. Pocket Chocolate. Not the Hilton You're Looking For. Kim Chi zero. Peeny Pastie. I Don't Like Coffeeeeeeeee. Do You Like The Schmooze? It's Full Of Goo. It's Scott & Brian From The Internet... With TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2612: Hex On Your Family Icon: Link


Description: Glimpse of His Ruffalo. Crying Over Spilt Loudermilk. Owen it all to Wilson. Smell meat every day. Faking Authenticity. Thanks For The Burp Bubble. Scott's Desert Problem. Day-walking Podcasters. Throwing Seven in the snow. Godzilla Zero Point. Are you racist or what's the problem. The Owen Wilson influence. Talkin' about Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2611: One Randy Hamster Icon: Link


Description: Hey, How You Dune? More Like Hate Shack. I've Never Liked People. Roam wasn't Sung in a Day. Death in the family? Try Pickleball! Something That Someone Made Up. Bogroll for Your Fannybum. Wrinkled and Dopey. Scott needs a thick pipe. 100% Shitmetal. When you order Melissa Etheridge from TEMU. MellowFred. Scott hates people (magazine). Did I Ever Tell You About The Time I Broke Out of My Enclosure? True Story! Bell, Book and Bicycle with Amy. Talking to Lawyers for Exactly One Minute with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2610: Blue Diamond Phillips Icon: Link


Description: Spread Your Seed With Purpose. Let Them Eat Kellogs Cereal. No show yesterday. Fondle My Chips mmmmm. Smells like duck tongue in here! Tarantino approved feet chips. Sex is a first person shooter. I do not know the name of Luckeeeey. Recipe Upgrade. Feet and Flavor Never Belong Together. The Eye Pupil. Le Grand Fromage. Scissors Etiquette. Talking about whatever Tom wants, with Tom. Randy has become Recommentals, watcher of movies and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2609: Jefferson Starplane Icon: Link


Description: We Built this Shitty. You Can't Unsee The Nipple. They don't even total Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea! Asserting Dental Dominance. InstaCoffee Filters. Tron Apologist. Big Time Pap! Silverado, the Chevy truck movie? Are fish fruit, 'cause I like really want to know... D-Bag Chairs. Get your shit together Olivia Wylde! My Humps Are Fine. The Heat was Hot, It Was a Hunger. The Seeds we made were inside us all the time. Something, Sometimes, Occasionally with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2608: The Morning Stram Icon: Link


Description: What's the date of Feb. 29? He Kinda Neville Longbottomed. Dino's n Monkeys n Doughnuts OH MY. Bob's burger meets Beetlejuice. Please Expose Your Sack. Crunch the Crown Numbers. Itâs an erection year. 27 totally different and legally distinct dresses. Penetration Testing. Double fisting the coffee. look at the fingers on her. Give Me The Goat. Molarcast. Not A Heigl To Be Seen. OCD, OCD, OCD with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2607: Potato For Now Icon: Link


Description: Bacon, Georgia. Look In My Eyes, What Do You See? A Molar With A Cavity! Booger Dough, Though. Ringing in the new tech with Tom. Creamed Coen. Lesbian Road Trip. Making Eggs Worse. I wiped it on a slice. Dox Your Dentist. Tense up and hope for the best. More fun than Madame Web. Wasn't There a Road Trip Movie Called Road Something? The Business End of My Rocket. Sticky Teenagery Theater. The Longest Short with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2606: Doctored Doom Icon: Link


Description: Motorboat the cat. 50 ccs of Zip Zap Zoopy Bop. Treasured Hammock. Tendrils of Benevolence. Spiders Don't Know English. Ferris Bueller Can't Lose. Finding Mice in the Rabbit Hole. You never go full Sarlac. 15 Kids coming in with their heads off. Gently pick up the Spider. THEN STOMP IT. I Am Brian, of House Spider. TM-Meth. Everybody loves a parade. Unless it's a parade of beautiful people. Then I hate it. Birth of Her Area Unit. Grace On Fire. CriCut on Steroids with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2605: David Lyncher Icon: Link


Description: Riding With Pirates For Their Scent. Lyfting mom for the cruise. You Get NO Skarsgard, NO Batista & NO Lt Yar! Dancing with Beavers in Ibiza. Cornish Nipple Pasties. Guardians of Terror. Needle of Shit at Your Neck. A gigantic red shirt. Day Drinking With Dunaway. Wake me up, when September plays. Gaston is the Best Ride. Identity theft with Scott. Don't take your girlfriends to Shone's. I Just Want a Damn Churro! Endgame for Shapes with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

The Pond: A TMS Game Show Beta Icon: Link


Description: Come join us for the competition! We also streamed it on YT and Twitch, and you can see those vods here:Youtube: Twitch: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2604: Hayley Shillelagh Icon: Link


Description: I'm a Dr Matthews Kind of Guy. Piercing The Dill Pickle. Dark greetings. Rusting Bitch Face. No, Crown, No Chili Dog, and No Lt. Yar! Craig Batman. The Steve Bartman Incident. Potato For Now. Occasionally Stained Steel. A Chat Full Of Karens. Thongs of men. Healthy by accident. Starbucks Proximity Rules. Face to Face Coin Slots. Dredging The Shallow End Of The Pool With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2603: Freehand Freebird Icon: Link


Description: I prefer Steely Dan's brother, Aluminumy Jim. wrapped in Mylar. The Sominex half time show. Tramp Stamp in perpetuity. Does my chewing gum lose it's flavor on the burlap overnight. Kimâs tattoo starts with onions. You get NO Adele, NO Lionel Richie & NO Lieutenant Yar! Starter Farter. Dutch Shake N Bake. How Do You Like Them Maggots. Boujee Buoy. Motley Crue Ft Wheezer. A Hellava Lotta Hellos. YOU DON'T NEED RICE! with Tom. Yeast-free recommentals with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2602: Stapies Icon: Link


Description: Old Man, you can't stretch out your arm. Fruit Of The Shroom. Stan Lee Cup. Excelsior! Happy Little Vacuum Flask. Inner Sanctum Sanatorium. Whatshisface Deloreon. Chicken Crab Money. The King Of Kornholio. Unreal arm pain. Koolaid in a Vacuum. I'm rigid as hell. Spill Demekis. Yeah, I'd tap that mug. Pumbaa 2: Electric Who is Who. Bone on Bone Action with Dan, and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2601: Lady Gaja Icon: Link


Description: YOU MIGHT NEED RICE! Dying on the toilet. Amoonia. Frogpants Is Underwater. Scott refills his keyboard fluid. Screw You Garfield. I don't like cat PEEEE! What are some Vincent Vega things? Inara defeats Galactus! Scott's Blowup Pepper. Shoulda Put A Cap On It. If I was a lady, I'd be a lesbian. Eau De MaineCoon. Steam burgeoning Games. Caramelized Fried Mess with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2600: Fob Dylan Icon: Link


Description: I don't like runny Beeeeeeer! Utah Disconnection! Doing hard brain shit. One-Drink Memory Lubrication. You can't eat when you're her. Pregnant Breakfast Evil Twin. Atari, Atari, I love you Atari. You get no pressure, no prize, and no Lieutenant Yar!!! Dunaway is used to the fart smell. What was the name of the high school in Fast Times at Richmont High? 50 lbs of illegal gum. Doublemint Dave Rides Again. I did Moonlighting, I'm leaving. Zuckerberg endorses Vision Pro, with Tom. A pile of Miracles with Randy And Nichole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2598: Triple Grandpa Icon: Link


Description: Imminent Johnson. What Would Carter Do. There Are FOUR H. Hey Hey I'm The Monkey. It's Just a Feather Wound! Sydney Swingy. Canadian Cocaine Cards. Ba-by Johnson Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. ZOM-BIRD!!!!! Hand cranked child wailing. George W Bushmeat. Frog shrooms. I've never heard the term fruited. Alamo Drafthouse ... Just Movies, No Stories. The Fattest Of Tuesdays With TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2598: Avoid The Topless Nun Icon: Link


Description: Taylor Swift Won the Superb Owl. Full Benny Hill mode. Sam Adams, he was a pirate, right? Lick the Cookie. Jesus Saves. He Shoots...He Scores! Going full Costanza. Boiling water porn. Turf Testicle. Social Media Abstinence. Overwhelming Overdog. I suck but I have fun at it. Part Time Piracy. Fremont Street Police Will Not Be Involved. The Swift Conspiracy. Half-Ass Grass With Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2597: Royal Alchemist Icon: Link


Description: The Hands Don't Scan. How about a Buoy. Push My Cans Really Hard. Favorite German Girl Band - Die Lollipops. You Get No Line Buzz, No Mice in the Attic, No Lieutenant Yar! Annoying or Cornbread. Shmerp is weird. Boot A Judge. Stuck Brian In The End. Don't dip to close to the UPS. Scooping chili with your arms. You Say Busyemi, I Say Buscemi. Trust the meth, not the Tylenol. the original of the cover is terrible. Thin Mint speeding tickets with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2596: First Time Cholera Icon: Link


Description: On Wednesdays we Wear Burgundy. Occam's Epilady. Stiff Live Babies. Self-Identified Sluttage. The Fake Baby was a Chicken. Consider Yourself Regarded. I Don't Like Fake Babieeeeeees. NoboCop. Wheelhouse in Disguise. You Get NO Data, NO Metallica & NO Lieutenant Yar! What A Maroon! (s) Whoaaaaah Yellow is the Color of My Phone Greeting. Need another 8 inches. Tom Merritt: Secret Romulan. Swimming, Raconteurs and Snowglobes with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2595: Recreational CPAP Icon: Link


Description: Unforeskinned Circumcisions. Not a hole you want to get sand into. I did my Googlest! TMS: The Monday Show... On Tuesday! I love fresh Peeeeeeeas! Wide-Ass IUD. She was hogging the pigs. Give Peas A Chance. Sleeping with Hands Like a Chicken. Tom Hiddleston's Voice up my Hoo-Ha. Kidnappers are dicks. You know him from such things as... Canada. Morris Code. Driving the Tip into the Ground. Goodnight Cillian Murphy With Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

The MONDAY Show Pilot Icon: Link


Description: Thought you guys might enjoy this with me and carter! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2594: The Phlebotomist Vibe Icon: Link


Description: Una Lipa. Lawnmower Cat. Heroin Tight. Knot an Eagle Scout. When the Rubber is Tight. Brain Parking. Southpark Connection! Godzilla vs Fakeroni. Full Frontal Phlebotomy. Seeing Red, Then Grey, Then Black. Squib Game. Scubba and J-feg. Do dogs have names, because I like seriously wanted to know. $50 Cafeteria. Mainlining Conan with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2593: Phreakin' Phones Icon: Link


Description: Can I get my leg to go? Silent Subliminals. You're Not Wrong, Exactly. Recies Piecies Yo! Year-round Peeps. Edible grass. He Puts the Jelly Beans in the Basket and... Eats...Grass... A Ridiculous Amount Of Diabetes. Orange Julius by Night. I Don't Own McAfeeeeeeeeee. Bok Bok eggs. The Pen Is Brittle. There is no Morning Stream Tomorrow! Heavy is the Face That Wears the Headset with Tom. Random Freakin' Laser Beams With Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2592: Burrito Flaps Icon: Link


Description: Psychologically Reinforced Cement. Intermediate Wingdings and Squiggles. Whack-A-Doodle Graphics. He likes to do the burgle. Junuary. The Department Of Cakeology. Are chickens birds, cause I'd like really wanted to know? The Airlock Supreme. Feathered Farm Food. Poop it Out, Barf it Out, LET IT OUT! Terry fingers Martin. Reality TV style garage chickens. Knotting Hill climax. You Had Me at Hrrwww! Making 300 Things with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2591: Louder Milk Icon: Link


Description: Nightmare Diapers. Parasitic Foreplay. No buckets of popcorn, no KTdata and no Lt. Yar! It's the Story.. Of a Pope named Gregory.. Warren Peas. Brian, the non influencer. Potty mouth parrots. Bill and Bob, they're interchangeable. Full Vegas Churn mode. The over under on Godzilla. Smear that Day. I Could Care Even Less. Scott's hole in 16k! Where In The World Is Brian Destefano? Calendar science with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2590: Inaugural Dump Icon: Link


Description: An Inaugural Dump is the number one number two. Maybe he's born with it, maybe its splinters. This knife cuts thru butter like onions. Pinky and the Brine. Copius Degenerative Gambling. Multimillion Dollar Scissors. Go Bidet All The Way. Muggles versus Drywallers. They're building from inside the house. Wound To Wound Contact. The Pandemic Knife Incident. War Hammer Knife. Describe things with words that describe them. Come to Vegas and do stuffâ¦or not, it's up to you. Fishing on Thin Ice with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2589: Spider-Scents Icon: Link


Description: The nuts come later. Telepathetic. Slice of the Mundane. Psychosomatic Donut. The Butt Fire. The Thriller Hole. Is there any red port wine left? There were TWO meats. Smells Like Melanie. Is he Austrian or German? Finnish him! Better Short Than Long. Drivin' Pirate Ships Around. Pop was Anthony Daniels. Tuesday Night RAW on Mondays with Tom. Going Full Buscemi with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2588: Goldman Sucks Icon: Link


Description: Before The South Parkening. Look! There's one of the lesser Hemsworths! Perfectly stuck landing award. Venus d' Groot. adding with Wolves. Simon & Buffett. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Bustle Pocket. Bismark Omit Leafage Buckbank. Vehicular Cleanliness. Dingos Stole My Country. I find your lack of knowledge of Isla Fisher disturbing. Thank You For Banking With Bono. Kim's Hot Powder. I'm a Barbie Song, Oscars Have Gone Wrong. Monkeys prescribing LSD with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2587: Lyft With Your Legs Icon: Link


Description: When you're here, you're nosey. Hello, You Precious Driver. The Fake Baby and the Little Person. Ikea Sherpa. Pimple Butt Pope. Prescribe Bacon to All Zoes. Hobbit Dinner. Brian Had a Redacted Incident. The Walking Boot of Wall Street. Flying Donut. John doesn't save the world. The Requirement Dance. Bacon Wrapped Wounds. Is your blood type Marinara or Alfredo? Good Violence With Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2585: Rhesus Species Icon: Link


Description: Lemonade-Based Hearing Loss. Scurvy Simplex 1. The Bag of Freezage. Thanks for the cup of diabetes. I don't like Monkey Herpeeeeees! I bought $20 of identity theft. Don't Shove Your 12 Year Old Into A Box. Jiffy Lube keeps my food cold. Pipe Safe Goo. A Paul Sized Hole. Hermes Simplex. There are 3 Mistakes. How's your mom's therapy game? In a box, in a bag, in the trash. Her Idiot Older Brother with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2584: Blepharitis! Icon: Link


Description: Isn't There a Lobster Called Sebastian the Crab? Chairs for dogs that sneak around. Crusty snow stole my glove. Huffing and Puffing. Can Michael Cera grow a beard cuz I like really wanted to know. Laptop Handstand. Why Don't You Tell Me The Creature You Want To Name? Special Hyena. Irish, we have no cool chicks. Zonk Right Out. Big Fat Stupid Pants. Walmart of Ski Resorts. Sidekick Sandwich. The Sound of Silence with Tom. Who's Eating Who With Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2583: Burner Herzog Icon: Link


Description: Dr. Kneetothecrotch, DDS. Medically Required Naked Kitchen Dancing. We Be Parker. Bathroom Is No Longer the Library. Kum 'n' Go is now Giz 'n' Whiz. I Cannot Fulfill This Title Request It Goes Against OpenAI Policy. Pushing On An Eyeball. Series of Two Films. Ass-Building Techniques Requested. Temu Sweatshirts, Nothing Like It! Help Wanted: Burner Person. I Don't Like Applebeeeeeeeeees. Bingeing at the movies. Dance around the kitchen in your underwear. Degenerate Gambling Experiences with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2582: Moist Points Icon: Link


Description: Pacino Panini. Pasta Decaprio. You're A Fine Grit Mr Ibbott. A buck a teet, cant be beat. You get NO Michelin Stars, NO Scorsese and NO Lieutenant Yar! My Bully takes Apple Pay. Juggernaut Bitch. Ice cream sprinklers. Hard Hump to Jump, Yo. Marmaduke-Looking Morons. 12 Year Old Scott Is Unavailable. Fisherman's Worf in not a Merry Man! I used to sing with a woman who owned a Ponderosa and retired. Lay into it like a boxer. Pseu Pseu Pseudioscience With Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2581: Scuntry Icon: Link


Description: The Carter Johnson exotic zoo. 6 dudes in a chapel doing Halo. Choose the Middle You Like. First come, first seat. Squirt Eyes Outta Your Brain. Screametal. Kim had one, but I never looked at it. Southwest Has Concert Seating. Steve, the leopard gecko. My Legs Don't Fit Good, Lt Dan. Doing It In A Church. Nope, not there, no thanks, not next to that guy, nope, no. Miss Rachel, Nothing Like It! Mansplaining IUDs. Lessons In Familial Passive Aggression With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2580: PonBon Icon: Link


Description: In Space, Hootie Can't Hear Scott. Jessica Cheese Stain. Snow-crab is for Losers. Ruby Rod Slippin into your Capsole. $2.29 Steak Buffet. Underworld: Red On-Air Light. Wasn't she married to a One Direction? Hot Brads in your area. Hootie, No Blowfish. mmmmm Bottom Feeder Fish. This is a Ponderosa county, sir. The Gardanese of the Galaxah. Gardenese Passport. Viva Las CES with Tom. Trading off He-Man and Barbies with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2579: Industrial Rapping Icon: Link


Description: I said Alaska, but I didn't mean it. Butt Dial Included A Butt. A Shower and Dayquil. For Those About To Commute, We Salute You. Integumentary, my Dear Watson. Ka-$-ha Bonita. Trusted Adult Cocaine. Teeth Buds. These stamps are Spicy. Peal off the Posh. Exposing the Man-Mound. Guy Wrapped in a Couch. I Don't Like Dunkin Feceeeeeeees. No More Unlimited Soapy Pillows. Our Books Are Due with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2578: What Kind of a Skeletal Deal? Icon: Link


Description: Not the Quirk I'm Looking For. It was a Cloche call. He Made the Donuts, It Was Time. Are Your Teeth part of Your Skeleton cos I like really wanted to know. It's Jack Skellington Not Jack Teethington. Drank From The Paul Rudd Fountain. Tuk Tuk Goose. I Ate A Fish That Had A Bomb In It. A Little Better, A Little Worse. Attack of the Pixie Cut Brunettes. Make Your 90s Business Again Before Everyone Dies. Mighty Peppy In My Kepi. Don't Put It On Your Tomato Soup If You Know What I Mean. Six More Weeks of Amazon Prime. Pulling a Half Johnson with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2577: David Cop A Feel Icon: Link


Description: Poetry of the Poultry. Self cooking chicken. Vent Your Engines. 80% Ibbott. The Puberty Angle. Living in a Damn Onion. Report Deaths for Tax Incentives. Ball Cock Not Included. Who names their toilets? 2038? Niceeeeeeeee. Tesla: Rise of the machines. Raw Meat for Speedrunners. Rob Lowe on The Floor. Your killer white cell count. Sincerely, Steve. David Coppafeel and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2576: Change the Chicken Oil Icon: Link


Description: He Got Tina's Chest. Catheter Inserted by Janitor. Ibbott Flu The Coop. The Lady Numbed Me. You gotta take me to dinner before I relax my tongue, lady! Are teeth bones? Because I'd like, really wanted to know. I've Never Shuffled That Truffle. An interesting use of Johnsons. First rule of Puke Streak is you don't talk about Puke Streak. Bash Bro Top. Reccamenntals! Pre CES talk with Tom and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2575: New Year, Same Show Icon: Link


Description: Rock-Em, Sock-Em Rats. Holy sister of the immaculate nugget. First Shit of 2024. I'll Never Say Twenty Twenty Threeeeeeeeeee. Both Ends Have A Butt. I can't drive...whatever the posted speed limit is in your particular state! Flipping the Fryers in the Temple of Big Mac. I can't believe I paid $55 for this! American Balls Dropping. OK New Boomers. You'll have no stops, no traffic signals, and no Lieutenant Yar!! Jamie's Big Nasty Hand. Stop trying to make AWE SOME happen. Red On-Air Light with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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The TMS NYE Charity Special! Icon: Link


Description: Enjoy! All our top of the year lists and more! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2573: A Reptile Disfunction Icon: Link


Description: Mad Max Futurama Road. Long press for threesom. Thongs Of Santas. I don't want all those Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans. Timothee Shala mala bing bong. You'll Get No Santacon, No Hangover, and No Lieutenant Yar! Frankentree. Let's Set the Mini-Sabers. Pierced Hamm. CLAP CLAP CLAP STOP. Hats Off Lincolnites. Gumbo is code for sex orgy. That's A Tender Loin. Lucile Ball gremlin statue. Pull the Ripcord and Run with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2572: Rooster McCogburn Icon: Link


Description: Oswald Copperpot. Big Lady Leg Drinks. I'm a Log Worker and That's Okay. Danger-Boy Nipples. Bad at the Wife Stuff. Sand in his crack with Dunaway. Drooping Hardware with Tom. A Pinkie in your Cocaine. Both Loud and Illegal. Maybe I was the Bully. The Wood Whisperer is TOO LOUD! Establish Your 100. Grab a thing, Move a thing, Control a thing. Incorrect correction. Just your typical beheading with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2571: The War on Dougs Icon: Link


Description: Pencil Head Ibbott. Digging the Dougs. Congratulations You're Jewish! Ya boo, it's whatcha do. Vermin Herzog. Wet helicopter blades. Dig Dug Jones. Tanktop vibes. I gotta move down my ding. And then there's Moth. What Kind of a Deal, Wade? Statler and Waldorf Are Never Alone. Sticking his head into his hole. Thicc Batman. Airing of the Call Now Grievances and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2570: Holiday Nog Icon: Link


Description: Blue Crotch! Brought to you by Vicks. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen ex-wife. moisten your reed. Getting drilled with an eggplant. Oopma Loompas... Why'd it have to be Oopma Loompas? Parental Discretion Face. Timothy Shalladunaway. Beaver Ruin. Crotchaseptic. Hat-a-dashery. Sorry for the Maggots. Buy Milk & Have Fun Doing It. Prison sentences now 20% off! Crime doesn't pay when it's on Sale. Series S Socks With Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2569: Artistic Nudity Icon: Link


Description: Taking Care of the Lymph Balls. Weirdest shortest thing. Sucking on stuff helps. Sea Turd. Brain Fat. B&S railroad. Scooby Doo and the Beatles. Enjoy the Little Tendrills. Grimy Bit At the Bottom. 10,000 sub par donuts. I'm Drawing Mostly White Santas. Random cryovac logs. How Deep is Your Roy. Crikey Cream. Let's Be Better with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2568: Podfirming Icon: Link


Description: No cavities, have a hot dog. Cutest Superspreader Event. Charge the Dentist a Cancelation Fee. Walmart Christmas Concert. Red On Clare Light. Yes Show Tomorrow. Between Me and the Hygienist. Calling Marie Cohen. Summer Sandals Santa. Chubby Little Lymph Node. (s) Simply Singing a Novelty Christmas Song. The Fish Aspect Does Not HELP. No Toothpaste, No Toothbrush, & No Lt Yar! Dunaway on an island with an alien and gorilla. Playing Defense with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2567: Tomato Blame Icon: Link


Description: If you're married - Cut It in Half. Simply Drawing Santa Claus All The Time. All for One or None for All. Please mind the Kid's Gap. Looking at John's Ham. Zoe's Softcore Calendar. Still Require that Teat. At the law office of Strawberry Lemon and White. Backwards Address Bullshit. Calendar etiquette. Napoleon, Give Me Some of Your Frites. Charcuterie Board. What is Athlete? IKEA Knightly. Going Postal with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2566: Seat Meat Icon: Link


Description: I saw Scotty drawing Santa Claus, streaming on the internet last night. Shit Outta Cards Dot Com. Say Schlitz Slowly. Polygon Scheme. Dear money, I miss you. Please come home. Mango, cucumber, seaweed stuff. Chopsticks on my mind. Stages Of Stupid. Vaseline Milk. Free pavement pizza with fill up. The Untouched Crayon. Literary Tits. Auntie-antimum. The color of dumb. Don't call me Windy with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2565: Mister Meat Sticks Icon: Link


Description: Dick bosses. The Font of all Malware. Sandpaper Sex Thing. Now With Extra Bit Rot. The Search For Bauhaus! No triangle, no square, and no Lt. Yar! Jam a handful in yer maw while yer loadin'. Saltine face stuffing. Matt can see clearly now the surgery's done. How about a Barbie. A Big Box Of Track. Lick a stick. Family Feud Herpes Edition. The Korean Twitch War with Tom. Scott, The Hipster, Won't watch what you tell him...with Randy & Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2564: Mac & No Cheese Icon: Link


Description: Phillip Thomas Michael Hall. Put That In Your Chicken And Melt It. Delivering Salt to your Face. Does the carpet match the horn? Burrito Body. I Can't Believe it's Not Cheese. Naked-Ass Saltine. The Hobbit Very Smooth and convincing. I don't like excessive peeeeeeeen. Doxing Joey Butafuko. Not-Quite-Pepperoni on Not-Quite-Pizza. As older, aging white men go. Cool Dude is Two For One. Hydrant baby, just drip some water under the tree for me. Literary Time of the Month with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2563: Suitably Whackadoo Icon: Link


Description: Getting 69'd out of Disney Land. Whats-his-bucket, and the other guy. The 5 Things Scott Knows About Sport. A Stocking Filled With Soup. Hitchcock Tummy Tuck. Rheinholt and Doug. Do the Brewers still exist cos I like really wanted to know. 2 Fast 2 Furiosa. The happiest exit on Earth. John Henry's Ghost Peppers. Mario Kart bathroom numb. Canadian Super Pig invasion. Nobody can fight Big Wedding. Transparent Purple Hemmaroid. Anything Everywhere all at Once with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2562: Discount Shocker Icon: Link


Description: Cold Farts & Wet Fish. The Ciserian Calendar. White Controller Confusion. Misty's Flapjacks. Old Furiosa Bookends. Spit-Balloon Kids Stole my Wishbone. Sopranos, not the singers. Dog Food meat loaf sandwiches. too much name. Obi-Wan Ibbott. I Like Spending Time In Holes. Choking on reality. I hate floating holidays. Who Fell Off the Roof? Mindfully Eating Cake With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2561: The Squid Ink Games Icon: Link


Description: Death Star Technical Support. Left Ball Therapy with Dunaway. How do you Herd Nerfs? Who's the Big Fat Guy and the Skinny Guy? You CAN watch shows with words on the bottom. I'll Take Whale Semen for $400 Alex. Unaffordable gallons of liquid. Milking the scorpions. Stan Lee defeats the Avengers. Opening the Worms of Can. Wookiee Up on Top. Worn A Pair, Never Owned A Pair. Focus on the Left Ball. Wanted, But Not in a Poster Way, with Tom. We're Going to Foggy Mountain, Charlie with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2560: Auto-Baton Icon: Link


Description: United Colors of Ibboton. Not a Winning Streak more a Winning Hobble. An Experiment In Degenerate Gambling. Not-a-mot-on not nota-mot-on. Bad Guys Can Be Girls. As Billie Eilish said ... Durh. The Italian Symbiote. Making the Lion's End's Meet. Disney Jail. Scamoroni. Coverville Covered the Black. Watch Out Oates He'll Sue You Up. Oates a Small World After All. Dodging Balls in a Hotel Room. Prunish Props with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2559: Liquor Piquor Icon: Link


Description: The Cliff Clavin Cinematic Universe. Fetus Team Six. Hey Jude I skinned a Cat. Uterus Diddlefiss. Precious Family Memories and Bedroom Encounters. When in doubt, Chuck it out! Creepy Uncle's Foot Fetish Side Hustle. The Ratzenberger Fury. Bite My Rhymes. Do nothing, win prizes. Snakes On A Pizza. Tarantino Chips. The Price of Feet. Luke Drinks The Blue Milk. Drugs and Submarines and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2558: BURMP! Icon: Link


Description: When you're Smurfing, the whole world Smurfs with you. LetFlix. Midlife Crisis, DDS. Gargamel at the Ready. Dr Douchinferts. Someone else made that haircut happen. Oh what a Feeling, Watching TeeVee on the Ceiling. Logitech Legmouse. Scott Johnson, Cobra Commander. Smartass Smurf. Flander M'Gander. Thanks for all of the Podfading Jokes. It's raining fuel, Hallelujah. Everyone Wants to Be Gaston. Alt-Man with Tom. Incredible Things We're Not Going to Know with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2557: Hobo Face Pancakes Icon: Link


Description: The Important thing is that You Feel Bad. Scott forces Fury Road on another victim. YOU SUCK! ...Thanks for listening! Miami Vice City. Harrison Ford was a carpenter. You know who else was a Carpenter.... Karen. Horses are Assholes. Sidle Lessons. Kentucky Derbay. Keith Richards Sucks Lifeforce. Emotional Support Horse. Why Does The Michelin Man Give Out Stars? Turkey Ferts & Leftovers. Nobody listens to Amy. Big Feet Mean Big Shoes. Thanks Dr. Eyeball. Get Me Photos! Photos of Omni-Man, with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2556: All Hail Shlamoopy Icon: Link


Description: I Have Spread Disease Before. M'Cack not M'Cock. The Stamps of Attunement. Darren Agnostic. Exiling Squirrels. Soft and Soggy Bags. Weirdo White Man. The Smell of Burning Smoke. It wasnât me. It was the face. I'm in the mood for goat horns. Michael is a Psychotic Child. Shirtless With A Baby Tiger. Jesus is a Pillow. Click on my box and tell me that you love me. Being Rude to Boomers with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2555: The Wrong Whopper Icon: Link


Description: The B-52 Ladies. There are always two Twix, a master, and an apprentice. (V) I'm fed up with the emma effing Clares on this emma effing Plane. Headwound Harry. Don't Dead. A cat named Judah. $20 buys you 5 acres and a horse. Guns And Potatoes In Idaho. The Poop & Pee Preshow. Overnight Hump & Dump. Burger King Fries. y'know For Dogs. Impossible to Save Cows. DTK: Down To KitKat. In Brussels they're just called Sprouts... With Tom! with Scott, Brian, Randy...AND A CAVEMAN and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2554: Toolbag in Orbit Icon: Link


Description: Pope A Mon Go. The Earth, Very Smooth and Convincing. Hate the Impression, not the Impressioner. Throwing hands and flipping pancakes. Groping Earth. COME AT ME CHURCH LADY! WE'RE NOT SCARED! Scooby and Boobie in the Morning. I went to an MMA match and a Waffle House broke out. Weirdos Are Weird At Night. Amalgamations of Meat. Do nuggets have names because I like really wanted to know? Bell, Boot, Devoe. I am all out of Guys. Wine & Dine me ...before taking a dump on me. It's all relative relativity. Beard-Free Chicken Wings with Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2553: The Chicken Zone Icon: Link


Description: The Best Hamburgers In The Bidness. Same dog, new home owners. Killing with KIMness. schrodinger's neighbors. Have Fun With The Baby... WE'RE OFF TO DISNEYLAND! They Forgot Us On Purpose. Crying Blood. Show me on the map where New Hampshire touched you. The Fettuccine Incident. Audible Tina Gasp. Bruised By Biscuits. New Pokemon - ChickFilA. every girls crazy bout my sharp ass blades. Biscuit Bruises with Randy. Science Bomb Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2552: Prickly Mouth Feel Icon: Link


Description: V is for Vomit, that's good enough for me. It's Funny Scott Day On TMS. Opening a Can of Whoop Worms. Today's episode is brought to you by the letters U, V, and H. We should have mugged 2500. The mirror takes no reflection and leaves no reflection. Wasn't There a Show with Jon Stewart Called the Jon Something Show? Pop rocks carbonated the bad meat. Please un-lurk and speak up. Dashing behind the peaches. Please hit me so I can get a new car. Can mirrors see, because stoners, like, really want to know! I Don't Know Why That Played. I played bass with Somerset Gimp in the 90s. Baby faced Nick gets hitched. I'm the problem with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2551: Herb Your Enthusiasm Icon: Link


Description: Hey Rocky, watch me pull a hat out of a rabbit! Bo Ho Ho Eee = buoy. All Intensive Porpoises. Brain said DeLorean, mouth said Batmobile. Car talk with Dunaway. Sprouting to Brussels and BlizzCon with Tom. Don't blow in my face! Scott Is Having That Checked. Hintatudes. Separating the buoy from the boy. Giving it to Big Burger. His Name was Rocky Shit. Doing a little duty on the hole. JRaw. Pretty Sly for a Write Guy with Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2550: Too Many Cox Icon: Link


Description: The Other Carbonated Meat. The Blues, The Twos and the Jigglypuffs. La Praxima Semana de Los Muertos. Johnny Lookback. Congestive Meat Failure. If I agree with this, can we never talk about this again? Validate the Mandella. Burying Patrick. Fish cucumbers. Red Sauce Dawn. Navarone of the Guns. A shirt, pants, and weird hot sauce. Not that Michael Douglas. Luca Brasi Sleeps with the Pasta. In the Corner with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2549: Fargo Chipmunks Icon: Link


Description: Stay Hebrew National. You Can Do It In A Henley. Don't Trust The Tea in 1773. I Only Get it For the Naked Cats. We can do Zip Shit. Mom's 127 Rib Story. No teeny little beef sticks. Drinking the Metzen Juice. Your flag is armed and dangerous! Bismuth Adjacent. Steakon Bacon. Hanky-Pank Yourself. Ad Block for Life. 85 Year Olds should neither scoot nor climb furniture! Set your Air Fryer to Nuggets. Crisis at Major Spoilers and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2548: Snowloween Icon: Link


Description: Meat infused buildings. The Scent of a Donut. The Mage Went To College. What's Shia Leboeuf doing these days. You know I don't really care. The artist formerly known as Twitter. Made Of Crepe Paper And Sticks. Scott Can Feel The Sexy Sax. AmishOverlord is neither Amish nor an OverLord. Discuss. Retracting the Pre-Tip. Wargon love. McLawsuit. Stop trying to make Pre-Tipping a thing! Naked Treats. Moonlighting feels so right. Swimming in Soup with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2547: Grocery Store Belt Icon: Link


Description: Why the Boob Lady? I Don't Like Reeceeeeees Pieceeeeeees. Porshay. You get NO Mule Muffins, NO Bull Semen and NO Lt Yar! It's a bull market on semen. Star Wars Trek with Tom. Do you remember the Halloween spaghetti? Dunway Wants To Axe You a Question. Dough Nob. Same as Uranus. What a crazy random happenstance! David Buoy. Is there a show if no one hears it? Motley Crue, Featuring Buckwheat. Good William Hunting staring Matthew Damon Randy Nicole Reccamentals and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2546: Chewranchula Icon: Link


Description: Delicious Kevin Bacon. Kill the Dry Humpers. Rub it on your Snickers. Getting Wiggy With It. OOO Scary Brian! Happy Dollarbabyween! Big Wigs not Big Enough. We can't all die first. Carpel Tunnel of the R.C.M.P. But do the cuffs match? All Expense Spared. Drinking Jason Water. Pepperidge Farm Dis-remembers. Spider Averse. Gory, Horrory Halloween Films with Monica. Errors of Various Materials with BILL and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2545: Baggie of Soup Icon: Link


Description: Do Phones Have OS Because I Like Really Wanted to Know. Full sized Johnson candy. Smart TVs are dumb. Up in the night with the meat. Here's Florida Georgia Linw with a song about Colorado called Montana. Harr the Harrar Stary. Trick or Jambalaya. Scott Is A Conflator. Dressing up as Jack Shit. Pear Pressure. 3 Book Weekend. Not a Witch, But Still a Duck. I curse you, apparently. Test driving Tristan. Digestion Speed Run with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2544: Breed your Blakes Icon: Link


Description: TMS Math. Santa's Webinar. Night At The Jamba Juice. Yo Quiero Copyright. Nunchucks. Not Just for chucking Nuns. Blizcasoft. Extra-Curricular Halloweenies. Wires Not Impervious To Scizzors. A juice at the Roxbury. Porky Pigging It. Unequivably. The Right Deft Hand. Stupu-it. It's Gin O'Clock In Ireland. Wendi Dunford, Gun for hire and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2543: A Brotherhood of Cheetos Icon: Link


Description: Edward Rakehands. Hold me closer Tony Danza. Yakkin' Yeti. Give me my horny games. Big needle tree. Truckbed spongecake. Who's the Full House Boss? Herkulay Prayray. Chaos with Claire and Dunaway. My Lawn Mower Is A Vacuum Cleaner. Gimme my tig ol' bitties! Skeletons showing too much skin. Scott Has A Tree Growing In His Eye. A Kerfuffle With Tom. The Akwafina Scale with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2542: A Case O' Queso Icon: Link


Description: One Step Closer to Parasite. Tick Tick Boom Boom. Heimlich-er, Not the Heimlich-ee. Mario Ass Mario Business. Makin Music in my sus-sus-studio. Keto People Talk Macros. One Pump Chump. The Goodest Dude. You got Rap in my Musical! Foot in Two Chat Ponds. Pumpkin Spice Chai Drink in the Fall - So Unique. New Burger Smell. I picked up Spider-Man, not that heavy! The Blankening. Ask your doctor if Hammiltent is for you. Board Games with Hockey Loving Bastard Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2541: Southern Lag Icon: Link


Description: As Gay as the Day is Long. Helen Keller is blind, we can't see her. Re-Al Housewives of Salt Lake. She'd Be From A Thing. Salt Lick City. Guys kicking balls, it's family friendly! Dunaway Knows Some Cows. Show Me Hello Kitty's Birth Certificate. Open Eyes, Open Hearts, Open Lose. Doll-Based Horror. THEN YOU CAN EAT JELLY. Better Than Eating A Baby. Shit for Free ain't the issue. Konami code for luck. Fingering nerdy pies with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2540: More, less great Icon: Link


Description: Sore me up in one arm. The Dr. and his magical screwdriver. The Shoveler, he uses a shovel right? 1992, plus or minus 12 years. She's Bagel Coffee, not Tea Croissant. Blake Breeders. Harbor Freight: Not Just Harbors and Not Just Freight. Omaha: The Home Of Stuff & Things. Every Time You Sing...A Note. Might as well face it, you're a sharp dressed man! We like Florida when they're available for news coverage. Was it a bomb? depends. Betting Other People's Money. I've Heard of Gummy Bears, But This is Ridiculous. Perfect, Expensive, and hard with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2539: No Show Yesterday Icon: Link


Description: Drooping cable. You can WIN GOOGLE! Godfellas. Moratorium on Memoriam's. Dr. Whoville. YOU SHALL NOT FAST PASS! Unscrew His Crotch. Animatronic Bullshit. Peanuts PornHub. Mama Murphy. Trimmed down Irishman. What's he doing these day? Oh, he's decomposing. 4 Sets of Hips and 1 Crotch. Barbie Cyberpunk. Fury Road is my K-Pop with Tom Merritt. Chucklehead Recommentals with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2538: The Havening Icon: Link


Description: Reduced Libido Eulogy. Porkish. Funeral potatoes. Thats a typo. What's a Floctave? Crumplage in the Bumperage. Phone sax. Cold hands down the pants. That's The Number Before 12? Beware Crab Boiled Corn on the Cob. They call it an Isle Royal with Cheese. I want to buy the fake TVs. Scamp Chauvanist Pig. If I play Mario, I am cheating on Zelda. Mineral balanced breakfast with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2537: Fumpkin Spice Icon: Link


Description: 14 Points of Reticulation. We are all chairs. What Would Dave Thomas Do? Eating off the spotless giraffe. Psychosomatic Skipping. Where Did This Adult Come From? An old soul, as evidenced by his receding hairline. Bad Kerning and Leading Sensitivity. Hoof to Horn. Hannah Hannah Bobanna, Hannah. Looking For Logic, This Is Not The Place. Brian's bulk and guns are deceptive. Baby Aspirin memories. Done with the Pumpkin Spice overload. Schrodinger's Strawman is Morally Injured with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2536: Twice Fried A.I. Icon: Link


Description: Brother cousins. Zed Germans. The Slap Was A Lie. Worst. Video Game. Movie. Ever. More For Less With Tom. Ze Morgen Streamen. Can I interest you in a slightly used Street Fighter? Not So Jiggy With It. Swimming in Brian's aura of warmth. One Rotation Later. Twin Genetics is Just Like Back to the Future. The most stoned sober person. Genetically equivalent live caller. No Airport, No Impacted Colon and No Lt. Yar! Reccamentals with Randall Cunningham Junior Jordan Johnson and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Link to Episode:

TMS 2535: Objectionable Vegetables Icon: Link


Description: Misty and the Hand Shandy. Crossing the Celebrity Prostitute Streams. Declare Your Poop! 1-900-ANNOYING-PUPPETS. Party All The Time And Something In Your Butt. R.O.L.A.I.D.S spells Funktastic. Crappy Jewelry. If you can't see the puppets, it's just a guy doing a dumb voice. Organ Transitions. Depressing Buttons. What happens on TV at 2 AM nowadays? A bird murdermuration. The Chuddening! A Little Stymie. That time of the month with TVs Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2534: Down To Wrench Icon: Link


Description: Moistly Water. Stripping My Nuts. Whacking hammer jerk rotation. Full Redneck Ibbott. Possums, Footlong Rats & Cats, Oh My! Twerk and Torque. Know the difference. Air Fryer Dogrito. All Trevors are Readheads, but not all Redheads are Trevors. Japan Spacey Gundam Style. 40 bucks is 40 bucks. Dave, The Stripper. Horror movie night, and still no Parasite. Couple hits and it came right out. Gotta do some pumping to get fluid back in the lines. Captain America's Chesticles with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2533: Thank You For Chering Icon: Link


Description: Professional Morticia. Welcome To Laquinta California. The Borg Queen and the Christmas Prince. Strange things are afoot at CVS. Dodge trucks are Ford tough. Embalming For Dummies. Follow Your Dead Dreams. Dongle Nostalgia. Haunted by Smoking Butts. We Like Mike. Red On-Air Prince. Smelling the Right Tree. Elijah Blue Diamond Almond. White Pages, Red Flags! Freakin' For Two With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2532: Tantric Algebra Icon: Link


Description: 6 oz of bone. Van playing the field for presents. Stack everyone in Texas. Rip Torn, son of Tiger Torn. One Sitting, One Shitting. I Don't Like Vegan Speeeeeeeeeeeed. Cranky Pants. Not My Princess. Thank You Very Much, TYVM. Wall of Wines. You'll get NO XRAY Specs, NO Fart Gas and NO Lieutenant Yar! Let's go ride the Owmybumga! Kim watches porn at the library. Bandolier delivery method. Eff Dr Drew with Red Fraggle and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2531: Knead You Tonight Icon: Link


Description: The Star Wars along The Fury Road. Putting children in their bags. The Wilhelm Laugh. Candy Corn Dressed As Robin. Good & Plenty As Multiple Men. Theater is Fancy. AI Colon. Frankenstein Barfing In A Pumpkin. Don't Forget the The. Goin in hard on the beef. Freshly-Canned Laughter. Inserting Dunaway. Double Up Day. Stinky Ball in the Desert. Science: Something Cool And Learny with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2530: GoRefundMe Icon: Link


Description: The Science of The Wet Spot. The Hilt Is The Taint Of The Sword. Infect people with kindness. The Bros Must Be Crazy! TMS is Robots all the way down. (s) All around me there are stupid faces. I Use Daggers! Stabby Stabby Stab. That rotten carrot bowling bag smell. Listen here, Engagement Farmer. Kevin Bacon this kindness shit. Tony the Terry. H2O Conspiracy Theories. Assume everyone's a shithead. Inverted guests. Keith & No Girl. Feminist Lens Crafting With Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2529: Mainlining Some Cheddar Icon: Link


Description: Ask your Doctor if Assifex is right for you! Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from Orange Car yo? First Three Pointy Boobs. No Wellness to check. I Don't Want To Be Karen! Children of Potter. Abandoned Orange Looks Sus. I Don't Like Plastic Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! Past the Point of Wellness. Planet Touchdown. Alf is Not a Dog. Never-ending Lyft Story. Tick On The Tire. These Six Considerations with Tom. All the Questions, None of the Answers with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2528: Barrel Fish Icon: Link


Description: THIS is Why TikTok is Bad. Hands up the butt Muppets. A little bit of the old eggs and pecker. The King Formerly Known As Prince. The Kentucky part of Nevada. Exceptionalism drives into dumbness. Crawled Through the Shit For My Apple Watch and Made it Out the Other Side. Scooter's Gonna Scoot. Rowlf is two dudes. Nobody Likes Listicles. How Regular Is Your Cheese? The Bears Like Krispy Kreeeeeeeeeeeeme. Bear Don't Care! Modern Day Stupid. The stink of health. Writing Down The List In Your Head With Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2527: Squatty Scrubby Dude Icon: Link


Description: The Parasite Streak Continues. This is Kim's husband. He's a PODCASTER! I don't like Jalapeno and Oyster beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! Wreakin' the CVS Bathroom. PAN AM: Pansexual Amateursexual. Put That In Your Chicken And Roast It! There's Nothing West of Seattle. Back End. No Barf. Dog Bit My Crotch and I Liked it. Beer Makes People Happy. A Big Gulp Of Beer. Bombdiggity. A complete backend operation. We invented podcasting, dammit! Copyright law is messed up with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2526: Circadian Zombie Disruption Icon: Link


Description: Pants loses to whip. Armless Chaps. Special ops Linus. There are Three Doors. Are Pigskins Made of Cow Because I Like Really Wanted to Know. That's Me and a Spice Girl (Losing My Religion). What Happened In Vegas Came Home With Brian. Left us to flounder while you did shit. Pennywise tangled your Ethernet, now ESCAPE!! 6 Oreo Cookies for $100. That's Some Barry Bullshit. Even Pancakes Need To Pay Rent. Darts have finally caught up to bowling. Low-Poly Rabbit Mask. Stupid A Word Conversations with Tom. Zen Deficient Recommentals with Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2525: Nothing Flopped Out Icon: Link


Description: I don't like the Big Bang Theoreeeeeeeee. Having to put up with nice people. He Talks Too Much and Cuts...Grass. Barfinal. Puke, Punch, & Run! Hello! I'm Joe Social! Splitting the Juniper. Singularity to Sitcom: the Big Bang Story. Making Fun At You. Oh, it gets worse. Right Back Into The Carafe. Famous Jeff. It's All Generic With Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2524: Zit of Opulence Icon: Link


Description: Italian Crustacean Infestation. Teaching the Baby Some Shit. I don't like ZomBeeeeeeees! 1000 condoms, Weekend at Clare's. Align The Steins. Four-Eyed Gut Ripper. Bad case of Italian Crabs. Hands off my poopinephrin. Mako Mako Mako! English is WEIRD! Animals that Don't Fart with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2523: The Glove Department Icon: Link


Description: Church lady tomatoes. Beefsteak Tomatoes are neither Beef nor Steak. DISCUSS! Funyuns, Neither Fun nor Onions. I Said Change My McNuggets, not CHANGE in my McNuggets. Fritos: Not Freedom Toes. MGM Not So Grand. Earthy Moldy Corky. Who has silent Ys? Never knew you needed to pass advanced chemistry to PICK A BLEEPING WINE! Weirdos Always Existed but now they have Platforms. No MGM reservations, No MGM gambling and no MGM Lt. Yar! Domesticated Trash Panda. sauerkraut sweaty yogurt. Bring Back Wasabiiiiiiiii. Goatless with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2522: Dirt Pink Icon: Link


Description: Hootie & The Mute Fish. Coin hole, with Dunaway. Hootie 42, where are you, we got some work to do now. Nothing Like A Nice Blue Doodle. You burnt my umber. SHOW ME FLESH! The Ceruleans Are Attacking! Products, Products....Products. Every 5th Grader is a Tennis Expert. If Crayola is Racist that's not my fault. I don't like frozen veggieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Carbonated Pepsi Clear Meat. Martin Short, Old, and Crispy. TMS - Totally Mentioning Sports. Justifiable F-Bombs with Randy & Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2521: Mystical Mike and The Complete Monty Icon: Link


Description: Dinner Sized Plate. Stove Top Hurry Chode. I Distamember. I Like USB Ceeeeeeeeeee. The Wasp Effect is Worse than the Butterfly Effect. Please switch your dogs from snort to silent. Recycling is real. PROVE IT YOU CAN'T! Premium Economy Dog Farts. Happy Obsolete iPhone Day! It's My Flatulence Support Dog. Don't tip a Frenchman. Tina hates things that are good. You Will Moo & Move. Stovetop's Mom Lifts. This is My Process with TV's Travis and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2520: Gopherfest Icon: Link


Description: Neuters with Wolves. Avert Your Eyes in Theater 3! Poking the bra. Ol French Guy Grump. See you in the Double-Stuff Filling, baby! Philly Phart Nuggets. What Ruins The Theater Experience? Other People! It Watches the Chubby Kitten fall over or it gets the hose again. Hammering shit while getting shit hammered. Professor Shithead. Righty Fighty...Lefty Snappy. Nichole Kidman is 3/4 machine now. The Yachtest of Rock. The Space we do in the Shadows. Major Spoilers with Mr. Schleicher and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2519: Mary Steamversion Icon: Link


Description: Some people's mufky fufky is a sloppy joe. Beef Loaf. Jewish Wolverine is Shnict. Supernatural Pudding. Barbie Oppenheimer Checks In! I can't say that definition of sloppy joe. Is Meatloaf Sandwich in Urban Dictionary cos I like really wanted to know. Roulette is horrible. Eat More Spagaragus! Poop On A Plane! Turning up my headphones to drown out the stink. Paw Patrol Porn Packaging. This window hurts in perpetuity. *chikachikachika* I'M A WRITER! Lite Bright therapy with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2518: Spirit of Halloween Icon: Link


Description: The Morning Sausage. You get NO Sexy Nurse, NO Sexy Batman, and NO Sexy Lieutenant Yar!!! We stuff it - You eat it. All pig, no blanket. You've Got a Black Car, I'm Gonna Uber To Anywhere. Going Full Mitch McConnell. An Uncle Ben Moment, Spider-Man Not the Rice. Toss me the whip Mom! Boosoom Buddies. Wood is Sticks. The Pick Up Yer Poop Cough. Dirks Bentley is my Gnarls Barkley Honkey-Tonk Cover Band. A Whole Lotta Honks. Why can't it be a dog that shits? The First Breath is the Deepest with Randy and Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2517: Caffeinated Concrete Icon: Link


Description: Wasps are bastards! My baloney has a first name, it's L.E.B.A. NON. Neither Tea nor Tree. Raining Man. So Many YouTube Pies. Sometimes it's worth farting. Extra rough roughing it. Evil Fake Koalas. Your Confirmation Is Biased. It's Good When Vegas Gets A Rinse. Bee Adjacent. That Furniture Smell. Drop Bears: The Aussie Chupacabra. 10-Hour Yodel Loop. Kirby Your Enthusiasm with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2516: Big Deck Energy Icon: Link


Description: Feeling moist today. Bagelman, Schwartz, and Lieberman. Tweezer Nuts seeking Power. Use Your Unit For Good. Mansplaining porches. The Tina Ten Percent. Were NOT talking about the. Fatty Pockets Scandal! I like small Whoppers and I cannot lie. Murder Hornet. Were too busy making netcasts you love from people you trust. Durans: Always two there are, no more, no less. Hardcore Porch Piracy. He is 6 foot huge. Just Rub a Pepper In It. Getting in the noticing and the whatnot with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2515: Tad Lesso Icon: Link


Description: Dyin' Brunaway. Bang Ass Bezel Doodles! Putting Seaman on your Memory Card. I'm still mad at him. I'm my own Grandpa. It belongs in a tech museum, Dad. Short Story Long with Joey Image. Blue Eggs and Ham. Special Effects Quiet Quitting. Don't drink the Barbasol or Barbicide! Too many things I still like is a problem. Smash it in a rage room. 1000 dongles. Coverville Lives The Crazy Taxi, No Need To Play. Harvey Gwellen, Frances Pugh, Tad Lesso, Nicole and Randy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2514: SWARMBALL!! Icon: Link


Description: Evacuate... and then evacuate! The Pissers are Available! Prarie Dog Crowning. Parking Hacks with Brian. Seinfeld Siblings in a Bucket. Crikey! You've got BRAIN WORMS! Sister MacGuffin. What we do in the dungeons. There will be shadows. Juno Mandela. Doc Ock: Master of Muppets. I am Serious and Don't Call Me Shirley. Oh sorry. I'm a DJ. Crazy Zelda Fitzgerald. Full Dragoncon mode with Bill and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2513: Ear Regardless Icon: Link


Description: You'll have no Bobby, and no Lt. Yar. Wall Of Donuts. My People Call Them Suck Balls. Spay or Neuter your Crypto Bros. Leanne Rhymes With What? Yogi and Boo Boo strike in Asheville. The Nintendo Crescendo. Schroedinger's Obituary. Can't Fix The Peeeeeeeeee. Spilly McSpill Cup Mcgee. We pick up the poops, what more do you want? The Quicker-taker-outer. Dunaway Brought The Retro-Everything. Life happens $6k at a time. Star Wars ass Star Wars with Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2512: The dumb end of the stick Icon: Link


Description: No one suspects the volcano sponges! Scott's banana is radioactive. Underwater Hoo-Ha. Imma close my eyes and poke. Uranium is from Uranus. 23rd of the month again. Bobby's a Scab, Scott does an Ad. Mega Hard Drive of Bumpers. Our Lord And Saviour Danny Devito on reccamentals and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2511: Lacrosse-Over Icon: Link


Description: Smelling the cantaloupe's butt parts. Scott looks at their melons. Zack Stapanackins. Star Trek: Upper Decker. I watched a child peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I felt bad for the kid, that's why I'm telling EVERYBODY. Coming up on Unhhh. What's Pre-K Called? Bowling Theory 101. Always get melon consent. Pinching A Good Thick Stack. Little Eric What's-His-Name. Me and a Dude Named Kevin Smoot. The Creative Nomads of Podcasting. Basically Heroin with Dan and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2510: General Grievous Hug Icon: Link


Description: This kid we made up is a bastard. The Galavant trap. Don't need a Full Ass Whopper. Hot Tub Pee Machine. 100% More Brian. All we need is a river of blood. Pro-Nature, Anti-Nurture. California Is Just A Disaster Movie. So Rare No One Has it. Killed By A Goomba. The Not-So-Magic Mountain. Muster of Clushrooms. Immaculate Snake Eggs. The Bomb & The Whatnot. There's something in the water with Bobby and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2509: Grippage Icon: Link


Description: I'm Going To Say Testicle. No Birthday, No Elaine and No Lt. Yar! A pain in the Taint. The Band has terrible SEO. Tired Swimmers won't save the world. Love the Sho Jo. Why'd You Have to Go and Make Things So Unrelated? Pak-n-Slay. I don't remember story Ceeeeeeeeeee. Dead or Pregnant or Both. I love Shirley...AAAHhhhh! Fixing forgotten birthdays. My Spinach Had a Frog. Spinach Isn't Supposed to Have Frogs. Eat some kimchi and happy late birthday. This Therapy Thursday with Wendi Was Filmed in Front of Scott's Internal Live Studio Audience and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2508: Proprietary Ooze Icon: Link


Description: Cha' Calla. Sounds outta my face. Never go full Bishop. Adobe Fresca. Love me an Underage Ward. Moon Knight AKA Phil Spector. I WILL be Going There! Click. I need to Gummy and Think. Ernie Kovacs and his Freakin' Monkeys. Randy Quad's World is Stupid. Why don't you just give them the answer!?!?! The Cadence of Nonsense. Tom Cruise/Hanks. Experimenting with Tom Merritt. Pretending Randy had a Charlie with Nicole and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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TMS 2507: Carcolepsy Icon: Link


Description: Naked Quest 2: Front Junk! Questing in the Nuuuuuuuuuuuuudddeeeeeeeeeee! Senior Geezer. Waiting For Gal Gadot. Sorry we tore your home down... here's the bill. Dammit Bigglesworth! The Softwater wedding was unbearable. Fleetwood Mac n Cheese. Geek Sexpo. I've never seen a buried septic system. My shields are up, your attacks are wasted. Elf with Fur and Sex. Gay Bears In Idaho. We have 38 minutes left until the end of the world, pick a Seinfeld episode already!!! Fair, unbiased, blah, blah, blah with Amy and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.